OneNote: Copy&Paste withing OneNote does *not* include Note flags


Erik Sojka

Friendly suggestion: You should put your question or comment into the body
of the message and not use a long subject.

What you mentioned is probably on purpose, since in most cases you don't
want two reminders for the same item, right? That should probably remain the
default action.

There are probably some reasons why you would want this however, so maybe
the next version can include this choice (copy flag?) onto the Paste Special


to clarify my suggestion:
If I organize my notes, I sometimes *move* parts with checkboxes and want to
maintain their state. So I *Cut*&Paste it, not copy&paste.

Erik Sojka

I just did a few quick tests and can confirm that the flags and their state
(checked/unchecked for the Flags which support this) *are* carried over when
both copying and cutting.

The trick is to ensure that you are also selecting the last "blank"
character in the line or paragraph being cut/copied. Think of it like the
Paragraph mark in Word.

If you select with the mouse up to the last character, or do a home,
shift-end before copying/cutting, then the flag will not be placed on the
clipboard. If you Select All (or press Ctrl-A) the flag will be placed on
the clipboard. If the item in question is in its own container, you can
select the container handle bar at the top.

Hope this clears it up for you.

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