OneNote Crash on Specific Section


Sean Herman

It is a 5MB .one file and I can open it just fine but if I do a search of my
notebook and click a result in that section, OneNote takes several minutes to
open the section. I tried a forcerepair of the section but that only made the
section file like 1.5 times as big and didn't report any errors. This happens
only on the clients, of which there are many, and happens on every client but
not on the server itself, which is set to sync the entire notebook, including
that section.

Sean Herman

I am using OneNote 2007 SP2 on the server with the notebook being on a
Windows server share. Clients are all running OneNote 2007 SP2 and almost all
other sections appear to be fine.


-------- Original-Nachricht --------
I am using OneNote 2007 SP2 on the server with the notebook being on a
Windows server share. Clients are all running OneNote 2007 SP2 and almost all
other sections appear to be fine.

I would try:
Close the notebook and reopen it to refresh the onenote cache.


Sean Herman

That doesn't resolve the problem. Like i said, it happens on multiple
clients. This client just connected to the notebook for the first time and
was given a day to index the notebook and has the same problem. Any other
ideas? Is there possibly something wrong with the file that the repair isn't
detecting or is it an indexing problem or is a problem with formatting on the
page? I can send the section for analysis.

Rainald Taesler

Sean said:
That doesn't resolve the problem. Like i said, it happens on multiple
clients. This client just connected to the notebook for the first
time and was given a day to index the notebook and has the same
problem. Any other ideas?

In order to exclude synching problems try the following:
- close the notebook in question;
- in the Explorer navigate to the place where the Cache is located;
by default it would be "%AppData%\Local\Microsoft\OneNote\12.0"
(check for the location under "Tools | Options | Save")
- delete all files and all subdirectories there;
- re-open the section (not the whole notebook).

If this won't help:
- open the notebook/section;
- create a *new* notebook;
- create a new section there;
- move all the pages of the said section to this new notebook/section.

Should the problem re-occur thereafter, delete the pages one-by-one and
run "Optimize" from "Tools | Options | Save"
Is there possibly something wrong with the
file that the repair isn't detecting or is it an indexing problem or
is a problem with formatting on the page?

*Indexing* should not be a problem.
I'd rather assume that there is some corruption in one of the pages in
the said section.
I can send the section for analysis.

You might know that this a peer-to-peer forum where volunteers try to
help other users.
Although at times some members of the developers' team come to help, you
can not expect that MS would help you out by analyzing your files.

However, I would look at your file.
Pls put in a ZIP in order to make it small enough.

You may post it to:
taesler AT hs-heilbronn DOT de

In case it would still be too big for the mailbox, I would arrange for
uploading to my FTP-site.


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