OneNote Demo Version Only in Finnish! (or other Scandanavian language)



I am using Microsoft Office 2003 Professional, with Windows XP Pro. I live
in the USA. The default language on my Office products is English.

I was trying to download the demo version of OneNote for a few days, with no
luck. Finally I succeeded a couple nights ago. All the information on the
web page was in English, I assumed I was downloading the English version.
(The actual URL for the download was: )

Having only a dial-up connection, it took hours, so I started the download
before going to bed. I also downloaded the update to SP-1.

This morning I installed the OneNote demo. How surprised I was, to see the
first dialog screen entirely in a Scandinavian language. (I don't know
which.) I cancelled, tried again, still the dialog in the other language. I
re-checked my language settings, in "Microsoft Office 2003 Language
Settings", in "Microsoft Office Tools" program group. English is listed as
the default language, and the "enabled language" list also includes German
and Spanish (both of which I am familiar with), but no Scandinavian
languages are even enabled. Yet, every time I start this OneNote demo
installation it starts in Danish. (As I said, I really don't know which
Scandinavian language it is. For the purpose of discussion now though,
rather than say that every time, I will call the other language Danish in
this post, although I don't really know whether it's Danish, Swedish,
Norwegian, Finnish, etc.)

I decided to proceed with the installation, and see if at a later time in
the installation, or after the product was installed, whether I could change
it to English. Although I don't know "Danish", from the location of the
buttons to click, which were highlighted, and similarity of some of the
words to languages I know, I was able to proceed with the installation,
although I did not understand all of the options.

I installed it completely. I tried to then install the update to SP1, but
that would not install, saying something like "program not found". I assume
it was probably looking for the English version.

I started OneNote anyhow, without the SP1. Again, all info, all menus, help
file, tutorial, etc., were in "Danish". I could not understand enough to use
the program at all. I hoped to find some language option in the menus to
change the language to English, but I could not find any such menu command.

Finally I gave up, uninstalled the program, and did a System Restore, as I
had set a SR point right before the installation.

What happened here? Why, on downloading the demo from Microsoft-USA, from
pages all in English, with my Office settings having English as the default
language, did I end up with a demo in "Danish"? I would think that quite
likely they do not create a separate demo for each language, that they are
all contained, and one can choose the language. But still then, why did it
operate on my system with "Danish" set as the default, with no apparent way
to change that?

Any suggestions? If all languages are contained within one demo, could
someone please tell me how to set English as the default language for that
demo? Something in the registry?

If this "Danish" demo does not contain English in it, I guess I will have to
re-download the demo if I wish to try it, which is a long job with my
dial-up connection. And how would I make sure that I am getting the English
version this time? The other time I saw no choice of languages for the demo.
All the language on the web page was in English. The filename is in English.
There was absolutely no indication that I was downloading a "Danish"
version. How could I make sure that I get an English version, if I have to

Anyone else experienced this?

Andrew Watt [MVP - InfoPath]


Do you happen to have a wheel mouse?

I assume you started the download from
or similar page.

Danish, Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish are all options on that page.

There is a drop down for choosing language. One nasty trick on
dropdowns is that you can scroll through options unintentionally when
you attempt to scroll using the wheel mouse (on Internet Explorer at
least). That could explain how you got to Danish, having chosen
English - IF you have a wheel mouse.

Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath


Thank you for the reply, Andrew.

I do have a scroll wheel on my mouse (Microsoft Optical Trackball). However,
I don't recall using the scroll wheel at the time. I rarely use the
wheel--when I do, it is to scroll through a long web page. I could not
imagine using the scroll wheel on a download page like that.

I believe I was using Internet Explorer 6. I also have Firefox 0.9.3
installed, and sometimes use that for browsing. However, I believe I was
using IE for that download page.

So, are the language options each a completely different download? With the
version I downloaded, where I see the dialogs in Swedish (or whatever it
is), I could not somehow configure it differently to change it to English?
If so, I guess I'll have to download it again (hours long with my dial-up
connection), double-check that the download dialogs say English, and hope I
get the right one this time?

Andrew Watt [MVP - InfoPath]

Thank you for the reply, Andrew.

I do have a scroll wheel on my mouse (Microsoft Optical Trackball). However,
I don't recall using the scroll wheel at the time. I rarely use the
wheel--when I do, it is to scroll through a long web page. I could not
imagine using the scroll wheel on a download page like that.

The page displayed needing scrolling for me (of course that depends on
browser window size and screen resolution). I would find it quite
natural to use the wheel to scroll down the small amount that I needed
I believe I was using Internet Explorer 6. I also have Firefox 0.9.3
installed, and sometimes use that for browsing. However, I believe I was
using IE for that download page.

The issue doesn't occur with Firefox (I tested on 0.9.3 yesterday
before I replied.)
So, are the language options each a completely different download?

I assume so.
With the
version I downloaded, where I see the dialogs in Swedish (or whatever it
is), I could not somehow configure it differently to change it to English?
If so, I guess I'll have to download it again (hours long with my dial-up
connection), double-check that the download dialogs say English, and hope I
get the right one this time?

Yup. I think that's what you have to do. (You might also deliberately
use the scroll wheel and see the (undesired) effect in action if the
language dropdown is selected.

As you say, just be careful that English is still checked after you
leave the language choice dropdown.

Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath

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