OneNote dragging pages to other ON locations- works very well


Well, after seemingly years of harshly negative posts Re: OneNote 2003,
I've been quite happy with OneNote 2007.

Gosh I hope all the MVP OneNote 2003 Zombies don't get upset about my
Positive Posts.

I think it's clear to all OneNote 2007 users that OneNote 2003 looks
like an alpha product now.


The latest little gem I like is the Dragging of Pages to other "areas"
of OneNote. As my use of OneNote progresses, I can see that from time
to time I will want "move" pages out of easily accessible sight as it
is an "older page". I guess you could think of it as archiving the

Well, the easy dragging of pages is quite nice !

I really enjoy being able to drag a page to:
(1) another section
(2) a section group (loves these by the way)(very handy)
(3) another notebook
(4) over top of the "UP arrow"
(5) over to the left hand column of notebooks/Sections/etc.

It feels like I can drag the page anywhere !
I really like the drag over top of say a section group, waiting for 2
seconds, and then seeing the section group "open up" so I can decide
where in that section group to put the page !


The intra-office LAN synching seems quite robust (at least I hope).
So many positives.
Can't wait to get into the details of OneNote 2007's functionality.

I've previously ranted that OneNote wasn't integrated into Office well
enough. I went out on a limb and said that I would consider OneNote an
"MS Office failure" if it didn't have "One Click" access from Outlook
to OneNote (posted here somewhere). Certainly glad too see it came to
fruition. :)

Rainald Taesler shared these words of wisdom:
I think it's clear to all OneNote 2007 users that OneNote 2003 looks
like an alpha product now.

ON 2003 for sure was based on an ingenious (if not to say
"revolutionary" concept). But experience had to be gathered over time.

But hasn't MS for many long years been famous for starting with alpha
products? <bg,d&rf>.

WinWord 1.0 was terrible and even WinWord 2.0 was hardly usable and
ways behind f.e. AmiPro.
The same with PowerPoint. I'll never forget when students working on
one of my projects came with the new PowerPoint and suggested to use
it. Did not take long until they were covinced that it was far behind
Harvard Graphics and we better stick with that.
And not to forget Access 1.0 ...
As nasty people put it: "BananaSoft - picked green, delivered too
early, let it ripe on the clients' site" <d&rvvvvf>.

Well, ranted enough.
Although quite some important things are missing and f.e. thinking on
the needs for TabletPC usage IMO was not carried through to the
necessary state, all in all ON has a become a simply fantastic product
with a lot unmatched features.

I know why I put the newly bought ON 2003 away after some 10 days or
so and made the move to the Beta <gbg>.

Have fun
P.S. BTW: Was your thread on the shortcut issue on ON 2003 or ON

Erik Sojka (MVP)

I'm glad you like the product. I think you had unrealistic expectations
of what a V1 product should be, especially given the small amount of time
and dev resources which were devoted to it.

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