Onenote File Compatibility with Office 2004 Word Notebook for Mac?



I just moved from Office 2004 on Mac to Onenote 2007 (as part of Office 2007
enterprise) on Windows XP running in Parallels on my MacBook, is there any
way I can open my files and append them with this program? I need the old
linked audio to be included with the imported file.


Sorry, what do you mean by "append", and what "files" are you talking about?
Can you be more descriptive?

-alex <MS>


I mean can I open, read, and add to the word notebook file in onenote? To
continue using the file I have but in the new program. Example: I have the
past month's worth of lectures in word notebook on offie 2004 for mac, can I
now begin using this file in onenote to finish the semester's notes?


Ok, now I understand.

The Word notebook feature is a feature of Mac Word only, it isn't there for
the PC version. OneNote doesn't have any integration features with the Mac
Word notebook, but you should be able to just copy/paste your info over to
onenote and go from there. I don't really know much about the Word feature,
so not sure how it is stored or how easy this would be to do for all of your
notes, but I am sure copy/paste will work, though it may take a while. Hope
this helps.


It's an answer, but unfortunately it's not what I wanted to hear. I tried
copying and pasting and it doesn't preserve the formatting (or it simply
crashes the program) and even then I don't get the audio attached to the

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