OneNote Flags



Does anyone know where the flag icons are stored? Is it possible to change
them via photoshop or some other means?

Andrew Watt [MVP - InfoPath]

Does anyone know where the flag icons are stored? Is it possible to change
them via photoshop or some other means?


As far as I am aware the note flag icons aren't accessible to
users/developers in this version of OneNote. In other words you can't
add custom icons.

Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath


You can also edit the 25 existing ones - changing color, highlight, etc.
gives you a different icon - and you can name them - this allows for many
more than 25
Arlene Shipley
Just a OneNote Maniac

Erik Sojka

If you mean to continually redefine the 25 available Note Flag slots,
then yes, you could have more than 25. But if you're assigning meaning
to the flags, this isn't always an option.

I think the original poster was asking if you could add to the palette of
predefined symbols that one can use to customize the 25 Note Flag slots,
and the answer is No. For example, I can't import a BMP of a bunny with
pancakes on its head or a donkey on a waffle and turn it into a Flag.

Andrew Watt [MVP - InfoPath]

If you mean to continually redefine the 25 available Note Flag slots,
then yes, you could have more than 25. But if you're assigning meaning
to the flags, this isn't always an option.

I think the original poster was asking if you could add to the palette of
predefined symbols that one can use to customize the 25 Note Flag slots,
and the answer is No. For example, I can't import a BMP of a bunny with
pancakes on its head or a donkey on a waffle and turn it into a Flag.


Somehow that's a relief to my artistic sensibilities. <grin/> ...
Bunny with pancakes on its head?? Now I won't sleep tonight. :)

Yes, I interpreted the original question in the way that you did.

Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath

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