OneNote for MAC PLEASE!!!


Lee Maisel

I have many customers who are in a mixed environment, and LOVE OneNote.
They can use it on a Mac currently by using Parallels Desktop and
other solutions, BUT since they are using MS Office for Mac (on the Mac
side) this defeats the whole purpose of using OneNote!

PLEASE develop a OneNote for Mac that interoperates with the Windows
version. Especially for notebook sharing over the network.


Ben M. Schorr - MVP (OneNote)

That request has been heard but it's a pretty major undertaking and
considering how relatively small the Mac market is and how low the
per-copy price of OneNote is I'd be surprised if Microsoft is willing to
invest the resources into developing it anytime soon.


I could be wrong, of course...

Ben M. Schorr, MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower

Erik Sojka (MVP)

There are also a lot of fundamental technologies in Windows which would
have to be rewritten entirely for OneNote. Things like Ink support
(assuming an external writing tablet - there is no Tablet Mac!) and SP
support would need to be present to make a Mac version meaningful. It's
not like porting Word or Excel, where in most cases, files are interchanged
via neutral methods like email and therefore file interfaces do not need to
be written for the Mac version to support interoperability...



Relatively small market? Hmm, I don't know about all universities. But, I do
know that at my undergrad and my law school Apples are the computers people
have and want.

Trough undergrand and the first two years of law school I was a mac and pc
guy. But with bootcamp I'm now a 100% mac guy that uses Mac OS and Windows

And here's some interesting figures by the way.

"Mac News - Apple Reports Record Third Quarter Results: Mac Sales Reach
All-Time High:

Apple shipped 2,496,000 Macintosh® computers during the quarter,
representing 41 percent unit growth and 43 percent revenue growth over the
year-ago quarter."

Ben M. Schorr - MVP (OneNote)

Well, maybe eventually they'll ship enough units to make it worthwhile.
But if you've already got Windows XP on your Mac then you can already
install OneNote on there. You just have to do it in the Windows VM.

For what it's worth, I don't have Windows on my Mac. Just on my PCs.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Author - The Lawyer's Guide to Microsoft Outlook 2007:

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