Onenote gives annoying security warning about hyperlinks.



When clicking on a hyperlink, even a locally kept file : e.g.
<file://C:\Documents and Settings\Tim\My Documents\My
Notebook\Medicine\Lecture1 (On 2-22-2005).pdf>

A very annoying dialog pops up saying:
"Hyperlinks can be harmful to your computer and data. To protect your
computer, click only hyperlinks from trusted sources. Do you want to

After the 50th time I'm pretty sure I get the message.... there is no way
to turn it off... please... PLEASE figure out some way to stop it!

Ben M. Schorr - MVP Outlook/OneNote

When clicking on a hyperlink, even a locally kept file : e.g.
<file://C:\Documents and Settings\Tim\My Documents\My
Notebook\Medicine\Lecture1 (On 2-22-2005).pdf>

A very annoying dialog pops up saying:
"Hyperlinks can be harmful to your computer and data. To protect your
computer, click only hyperlinks from trusted sources. Do you want to

After the 50th time I'm pretty sure I get the message.... there is no
to turn it off... please... PLEASE figure out some way to stop it!

That is the standard linked object warning. I don't know of any way to
disable it; but I'll pass along the suggestion.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Stockholm Consulting Group/KSG
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!

I find this horrifically annoying. The idea that OneNote warns you of
hyperlinks you have made yourself to files on your Hard drive and
Outlook automatically executes HTML codes in emails from random
cyberspace really makes one wonder.

Kathy J

If you find this annoying, then don't try to run PPT with links. The
"feature" you are complaining (the hyperlinks message) about isn't a OneNote
feature, it's a feature of almost any Microsoft product out there. If it
bugs you that much, then how do you get around it from the other programs?
(Actually, don't tell me - I don't want it spread around in somewhere that
gets archived.)

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Co-Author of Power OneNote: Unleashing the Power of OneNote from Holy Macro!
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I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived

Kathy J said:
If you find this annoying, then don't try to run PPT with links. The
"feature" you are complaining (the hyperlinks message) about isn't a OneNote
feature, it's a feature of almost any Microsoft product out there. If it
bugs you that much, then how do you get around it from the other programs?
(Actually, don't tell me - I don't want it spread around in somewhere that
gets archived.)

Every other program I've ever seen allows you to check a box saying,
"Do you want to be annoyed by this error message everytime?" I click
NO when I know it is something that I do not want to be bothered


I take lecture notes, and the lecturers often include PPT files for their
lectures. When you revise, having the link on the top of the onenote page
you've taken your own notes on is the fastest way to access the "one in a
hundred" PPT file that accompanies your own lecture/meeting notes etc.
...that seems like a sensible use of a note taking program...
At the moment, clicking no to the pop-up is only slightly less irratating
than finding a folder and fishing through files...

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