OneNote & GoBinder



Does anyone have any experiene with GoBinder?
Here is my scenario.
I've been tasked with making my entire state's k12 schools wireless. I
picked up the project because it was flailing( & failing after over a year of
a non-planning project leader). Part of my plan is to set up at least 10
model schools before deploying to the other schools.
(cut to Reader's Digest version)...
Without a reason other than "we can get to the Internet" to install
wireless, a project like this will continue to fail. In order to get 'buy
in' from the users... I need an application that they will feel like they
have 'lost something' if it's taken away. Enter left stage ----OneNote.
Neat app, education targeted....things begin moving.
Enter right stage ---Boss with copy of GoBinder given to him by vendor and
described as "OneNote on Steroids". (this same boss also runs OneNote)

Now I'm in the middle again. I don't want the project to stall out over
trying to decide what app to run.

Anybody have any input?

Chris H.

Honestly, I was attempting to give you another source of information.
Coming to a OneNote newsgroup on Microsoft's own server and asking for a
comparison between competing products is like going to a Linksys and asking
for opinions on NetGear products. :cool:

Personally, in a school situation, I'd contact the folks at GoBinder
( for information. They are in a lot of colleges and
universities around the country, and are quite well established in many
educational locations.

My choice in your situation would be GoBinder, which can tie into a
networked Blackboard program.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

StanLee said:
I wasn't asking for tech support. I was asking for opinions/input.

Chris_Pratley \(MS\)

One of the more interesting things only OneNote can do is support multi-user
shared sessions. So for example in a study group, students can invite others
to work on a project together at the same time with their different
machines. There's nothing quite like brainstorming and seeing everyone
adding their ideas at the same time. Since this is over the network, you
don't even all have to be in the same room...

There are lots of other ideas around educational uses for OneNote here:

Chris Pratley (MS)

StanLee said:
I wasn't asking for tech support. I was asking for opinions/input.


GoBinder provides scheduling and task functions that are not directl
provided by OneNote. OneNote provides audio and video integration wit
your notes. GoBinder has a virtual printer builtin that provide
better import of PDF documents than even the OneNoteImageWrite
powertoy. GoBinder also has an interesting feature where you can dra
and drop any document into a GoBinder folder and GoBinder automaticall
creates two icons for it: one that allows you to use the document i
the application that created it and the other that allows you to use i
as a GoBinder document.

Both GoBinder and OneNote have some rough edges. Both are bein
well-supported and getting frequent improvements. GoBinder might b
more immediately accessible to your school personnel


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