OneNote keyboard shortcuts




Can anyone tell me if there's a keystroke combination to switch from
one notebook to the other? I see how to move from page to page and
from section to section and how to open a new notebook, but I can't
find how to use the keyboard ( to kind of 'alt-tab') through the
notebooks anywhere. I think I surely must be missing it, because the
developers have thought of everything else. I've been trying to clean
out my e-mail inbox (that's always in danger of being shut down at
work because it's too full), and I wanted to use this when I was
transferring my e-mail pages from the unfiled section to its new home
in my various workbooks (home, work, shared, etc).

Any suggestions appreciated.


John Guin [msft]

In OneNote 2007 there is no single keystroke to do this exactly.

You can try this, though: the F6 key will move focus around to the next
pane in the sequence. Press it a few times and you can see the focus moving
and it will eventually wind up in the notebook list. Arrow up/down from
there and hit Space to select the notebook you want.

I'll also mention this feedback to our designers.

Be Szpilman

Though Ctrl+G seems to me a great tip for notebook navigation, what I generally do is navigate by section, using Launchy.
Launchy is an application launcher for windows, akin to Gnome Do and Quicksilver, that indexes whatever files you want and then autosuggests files from all of it's index as you begin typing (to bring it up you press alt+space by default)
What I do is tell Launchy to index my default notebook folder, including .one files. So I need only type two to four letters of my section name (if it's unique enough, of course) and hit enter to be taken to that place in my current Onenote window (it goes to the section on whatever Onenote window has the current/last focus).
This is only possible, of course, because the team behind Onenote made the brilliant decision of having the sections, and not the notebooks, be physical files on your hard drive. This navigation through Launchy is by far the best feature Onenote has for me (besides maybe the awesome outlining) -- I can't go back to clicking stuff, ever.

floryhawk wrote:

OneNote keyboard shortcuts


Can anyone tell me if there is a keystroke combination to switch fro
one notebook to the other? I see how to move from page to page an
from section to section and how to open a new notebook, but I canno
find how to use the keyboard ( to kind of 'alt-tab') through th
notebooks anywhere. I think I surely must be missing it, because th
developers have thought of everything else. I have been trying to clea
out my e-mail inbox (that is always in danger of being shut down a
work because it is too full), and I wanted to use this when I wa
transferring my e-mail pages from the unfiled section to its new hom
in my various workbooks (home, work, shared, etc)

Any suggestions appreciated


Previous Posts In This Thread:

In OneNote 2007 there is no single keystroke to do this exactly.
In OneNote 2007 there is no single keystroke to do this exactly

You can try this, though: the F6 key will move focus around to the nex
pane in the sequence. Press it a few times and you can see the focus movin
and it will eventually wind up in the notebook list. Arrow up/down fro
there and hit Space to select the notebook you want

I will also mention this feedback to our designers

I hope this helps
John Gui
OneNote Test Tea


The F6 stuff is not needed - CTRL+G puts focus on the notebook navigationpane,
The F6 stuff is not needed - CTRL+G puts focus on the notebook navigatio
pane, and then you can arrow up/down to select your notebook

John Gui
OneNote Test Tea


OneNote keyboard shortcuts

Can anyone tell me if there is a keystroke combination to switch fro
one notebook to the other? I see how to move from page to page an
from section to section and how to open a new notebook, but I canno
find how to use the keyboard ( to kind of 'alt-tab') through th
notebooks anywhere. I think I surely must be missing it, because th
developers have thought of everything else. I have been trying to clea
out my e-mail inbox (that is always in danger of being shut down a
work because it is too full), and I wanted to use this when I wa
transferring my e-mail pages from the unfiled section to its new hom
in my various workbooks (home, work, shared, etc)

Any suggestions appreciated


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