OneNote Mobile beta and ActiveSync




I'm having difficulty getting ActiveSync 4.1 (build 4841) to sync OneNote
Mobile to OneNote 2007 Beta 2.

In the ActiveSync Tools - Options dialog there is no checkbox against the
"OneNote Notes" item in the list, the settings button is greyed out, and I
can't see the notes from my Smartphone being synced onto my desktop at all.

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance


I'm having exactly the same problem, nothing is syncing up or down. Can see
the OneNote item in the list in ActiveSync but no check box against it and
settings are disabled.


Hi Ben

Yes, everything else is working just fine. I'm on a different PC right now
so I can't send you the screenshot, but the ON icon in the Sync list is
aligned with the Calendar, Contacts etc icons, but there's no check box to
the left where you'd expect it to be.

Also, when I installed ONMobile I got a 'From mobile' section (can't
remember the exact name - sorry) added to the current notebook, but I didn't
get a new notebook created which was what I was expecting.

Any suggestions much appreciated!


I'm experiencing exactly the same as GeekGirl. My Orange SPV C600 reports
Windows Mobile 5, 5.10 (Build 195).

TBH ON Mobile *appears* to be running OK I suspect the issue is at the
Activesync end? Activesync appears to recognise that OneNote is there to be
sync'd with (the icon appears etc) but there is no way of enabling the sync.

Patrick Schmid

Have you tried reinstalling ActiveSync already? I know that ActiveSync
sometimes has issue with Outlook 2007 when installed and a simple
reinstall of ActiveSync solves them.

Patrick Schmid


Ben M. Schorr - MVP said:
Odd - and the rest of your folders are syncing o.k.?


Not sure what you mean by folders exactly, but things like favourites and
tasks are syncing just fine for me.

Worth noting that on my smartphone, in the Sync application, the checkbox
for "OneNote Notes" is visible, selected and greyed. The settings button is
greyed out and cannot be selected.

Simon Wilson

Just been trying to sort out exactly the same and re-installed ActiveSync but
it makes no difference and the OneNote item remains resolutely unselected for
sync'ing. Note I am using ActiveSync 4.2 beta because 4.1 refused point blank
to sync over USB with my Orange SPV C600

Simon Wilson

Warner Crocker, Microsoft MVP-Tablet PC

I just insalled OneNote Mobile on a PPC 6700. I'm running ActiveSync 4.2. At
first OneNote Mobile appeared with no check box, but after a reboot and
restart of ActiveSync a check box appears but no notes sync over. I get
"looking for changes" but the only note post sync on the 6700 is the How To.


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