OneNote-more ability to link. Between pages. TODO needs due dates


Greg Yung

OneNote is great and has SO much potential! Would be more popular if
advertised, but needs additional features including:
- Better link ability (can't link anywhere without the full URL showing)
- Linking between tabs and pages to leave notes for yourself, and quickly
jump there.
- The TO DO check boxes need to have due dates so they can be prioritized
and not so cluttered in the Note Flags Summary.
- They dont have any type of tables, adding tables would help organize notes.
- Fully functional calendar that can organize due dates and important
event... and don't say thats what outlook is for. One 'do-it-all' app would
be amazing for students or those working in a business environment. I use it
for both, and try to minimize on all paper, and use OneNote alot!
- it would be nice to be able to save a SINGLE page to be transferrable to
another OneNote user, and not have to do the entire folder which is contained
in one file on your system.
- It would be nice to be able to move around the edittable boxes by using
arrow keys for better alignment... (select top bar, then move via arrow keys)
- Additional Option to allow you to take screen shots, or copy and past
without the extra text that comes with it that you have to delete ('Pasted
from...', 'Screenshot Taken:...' etc)

There are more of course, but this is just a start... GREAT PRODUCT, i love
it, but more features and more advertising would have this thing flying off
of the shelves...

But who's really going to read this and what will posting this actually do?
Hopefully someone on the 'inside' has considered these...

- Greg

p.s. Perhaps these features are not added on because of the marketing idea
to keep their other products popular as well? Perhaps...

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suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
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Greg said:
- The TO DO check boxes need to have due dates so they can be
prioritized and not so cluttered in the Note Flags Summary.
- Fully functional calendar that can organize due
dates and important event... and don't say thats what outlook is for.
One 'do-it-all' app would be amazing for students or those working in
a business environment.

I'm always amazed that some folks think that OneNote has to
"do-it-all". I use Outlook extensively for scheduling and tasks, and
OneNote extnesively for note taking - why would I want two calendar and
task applications?

What's wrong with using two pieces of software? Each one has enormous
strengths in what it is designed to do.

I would rather the programmers spend time improving Outlook
integration, that adding just another calendar/tasking applet. In
fact, maybe they could replace Outlook's Notes function with OneNote -
that would give me a "do-it-all" application that I could live with.


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