OneNote Moves My Notes Around - And Messes Them Up



OneNote is an amazing product. Here's another way it can be improved even

When I'm writting handwritten notes, sometimes OneNote will move down a
section of my notes. I assume that this happens because I have selected the
option to recognize ink as both text and drawings. I've made many a
beautiful diagram only to have OneNote move half of it down - misaligning
everything and forever ruining my notes. Most of the time, it is only a
small nudge. Other times, it is a larger nudge. Regardless, I think that
OneNote should leave my ink in exactly the place where I put it -- unless I
move it.


One Note has a number of features that would be very useful if it weren't for
the way it handles written notes. It is so bad that I don't use it and use
Windows journal or the franklin tablet planner instead. Microsoft needs to
allow free form notes similar to what is available in the other two programs.
The main disadvantage of the franklin planner is that the file is a big
database and you can't separate out projects or notes easily. Windows
journal would be perfect if it had the folder capability of One Note.

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