OneNote Napkin Math not functioning at all



I was glad to read recent posts indicating successful use of Napkin Math. I,
however, have been unable to use this feature. I am not using spaces within
equations. I have tried opening a separate OneNote window. Can anyone advise
me as to how I might be able to activate this feature? Thanks very much!

John Guin

Can you see if it is enabled? Click Tools | Options. In the editing
sections is a checkbox for "calculate mathematical expressions
automatically." Make sure it is enabled.


My hero! I KNEW there had to be an option for enabling it, but d**ned if I
could find it - thanks so much!

John Waller

As an aside:

Why does the Enable Napkin Math checkbox exist at all?

Why would anyone disable it?

John Guin

Teachers who want to quickly lay out a simple math exam is one scenario. You
can conceivably remove the answer after typing the equation (as long as you
don't hit ENTER or space). Sounds easy, but is frustrating.

Others may want ON to only "record what I type" and would be annoyed by the
application adding to what I type.

I wasn't there for the design discussion, but these two scenarios make sense
for me.


Be better if a "napkin math" calculated solution were triggered by something
more unique, like "==" (two equals signs). This would be more intentional
than "=", and would also indicate to the user later that the solution was
calculated by the machine, not typed by the user. you could also get rid of
a checkbox option.

John Waller

Be better if a "napkin math" calculated solution were triggered by
more unique, like "==" (two equals signs).

That's the best suggestion I've heard yet.
would also indicate to the user later that the solution was
calculated by the machine, not typed by the user.

I like that too.

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