OneNote - option to enter new page at top of list


David Ford

When creating a new page in a OneNote section, the page is always added at
the end of the section. Though this is usually suitable, there are quite a
few circumstances (e.g. Journal entries) where it is more useful to have the
latest entry appear at the top of the list. There are four obvious choices,
each of which could help here, either:
1 - an option on a section by section basis to add new entries at the top or
2 - the ability to add a page before or after the currently selected page
3 - the ability to sort a section by page tab contents
4 - the ability to sort a section by creation date - asscending / decending

Erik Sojka

Those are good ideas, and I agree that more flexiblity would be useful when
inserting page tabs. It's not even fully fleshed out in other programs which
use similar metaphors (like Excel's workbook - inserting a new worksheet
always places it to the left of the currently selected worksheet tab).

I think it's always helpful to go back to OneNote's original metaphor of a
notebook of paper. You naturally fill up a notebook one page at time, from
front to back (creating a de facto sort by creation date), and there is no
way to add another sheet in between two others.


However OneNote is to be superior to mere notebook paper thus the
ability to virtually insert sheets. That's why in college I routinely
took notes on everyother page so that I could go back and add to them.
That was pre-computer days...

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