OneNote Organizing?



I am new to OneNote but love it! Thank you OneNote Design Team.

Now that I'm getting more data in the program I'm starting to see that if I
don't have a good orginizational structure I will be in a mess real soon.

Can anyone suggest a good guide (online or book) that offers guidance in
stucturing my notes?

Thank you,


Erik Sojka

The online help is pretty good and offers some examples.
The important thing to learn first is the difference
between folders, sections, pages and subpages. Once you
are clear on those, you can organize your notes however
you want!

Just as an example, I use a folder for each major
category (3 for different meeting types, two for
different types of classes) and then use sections for
subcategories and then a new note for each day. But the
flexibility exists for you to organize however you want.


The documentation does not adequately address best
practices, but an e-book Microsoft offers does this
better than anyone. It is called "An Insider's Guide to
OneNote." I don't have the url, but it shouldn't be hard
to find.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote

The documentation does not adequately address best practices, but an
e-book Microsoft offers does this better than anyone. It is called "An
Insider's Guide to OneNote." I don't have the url, but it shouldn't be
hard to find.

I have it listed in my FAQ (see sig) under other resources.

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