onenote over long periods


David Cleland

Hi all,

Sorry I a complete onenote learner. I have noticed over a few weeks of
dragging my files from "my documents" that my onenote folder is getting
large with files being duplicated in that folder.

I was going to use onenote to store invoices I receive via email so I have a
searchable log that is easily to pull data from. Lets say after a year I
want to archive the data and start again - is this possible ?

I am just concerned my onenote system is going to get out of control very
quickly if I am not careful.


SPEC president

I track all of my sales representatives sales calls in OneNote. This entails
tracking all Sales Call Reports, Quotations resulting from those calls, etc.
What I do is save the sales call report as a file or the written quotation
as a file. Then I go to the appropriate section in OneNote for instance Call
Reports and go the the folder where I saved the report, highlight the file,
press control-C to copy the file name to the clipboard, go to the OneNote
section and press control-V to paste the file. A dialog box comes up asking
whether to paste a link to the file of paste the whole file. I just paste the


OneNote is amongst the worst document management systems. It is very
weak in this category. I strongly suggest you look at document
management systems.

I would suggest you look at ..
1) Itaz DoQuments
2) DocuXplorer
3) Zoot

OneNote is acceptable for low volume users taking notes.
It is most definitely not for documents.

Do you have Outlook ? Have you tried using categories and forms to
solve this ?
Is email the only way you receive stuff ?
Are you only on one computer ? Do you need a client server setup so
you can work from a few computers ? What documents do you use ? Do
you even have a Tablet PC ?

My major suggestion is that you are in the wrong software category -
try document management solutions, no simple note taking software.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP Outlook/OneNote

Hi all,

Sorry I a complete onenote learner. I have noticed over a few weeks of
dragging my files from "my documents" that my onenote folder is
getting large with files being duplicated in that folder.

I was going to use onenote to store invoices I receive via email so I
have a searchable log that is easily to pull data from. Lets say after
a year I want to archive the data and start again - is this possible ?

I am just concerned my onenote system is going to get out of control
very quickly if I am not careful.

Yes, OneNote is not really intended for document management on that
scale -- you might have more success pasting in the links rather than
the full document.

You could save your documents in a folder and use something like
Copernic Desktop Search or Google Desktop or MSN Desktop to index that
folder for full-text searching. That will be more easily archived as

OneNote is great if you need to take notes about your invoices.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Stockholm Consulting Group/KSG
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for
assistance. Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup.

Erik Sojka (MVP)

I know you're not a huge fan of the product (I kinda wonder why you spend
so much time here denigrating a product you hate) but let's be accurate.

OneNote was *NEVER* intended as a document management system. It should
therefore be no surprise that OneNote performs this task poorly. Your
message implies to the original poster that OneNote tries and yet fails
at this task.

To use your line of thinking, OneNote is amongst the worst RDBMS systems,
amongst the worst robotic control programming environments, and it makes
the most horrible foul-tasting coffee. OneNote is not intended to fill
any of these functions. Is it fair to describe it as a worst failure in
those areas?

We here appreciate the back and forth about the product. Most people
here will concede that the product has its faults and limitations (which
is understandable IMO for a V1 product). Let's just be honest and fair
with the comparisons and criticisms. Thanks in advance.

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