Onenote Pic format and PPT



I am creating a ppt presentation which inludes screen shots from internet
exploder. I used the screen clipping tool to capture and organize in

These images transferred well into PPT. However, a colleage of mine uses
a MAC and observed that a number of the captures are not displaying

In what format does ON save the clippings that might be causing the
compatibility issue?
Is there a way to easily solve this?


Erik Sojka

I don't have any advanced photo tools on my work laptop, but MS Picture
Manager (from Office 2003) reports it as a 96dpi bitmap. Taking a sample
clipping and pasting it into a better photo application might yield more

Is the color on the Macintosh off? That may be a palette issue. What
resolution/color depth is the Mac user using? Does increasing the color
depth on the Mac help?

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