OneNote Read-Only

  • Thread starter Rev. Michael L. Burns
  • Start date

Rev. Michael L. Burns

I'm about to pull out what little hair I have left and am at wits-end.

I have four computers running OneNote 2007. All my OneNote notebooks are
stored on my office desktop and the other three computers have OneNote
configured to access the files on the office desktop. They all use the same
path to the office computer. This has worked well for me until today.

This afternoon I went to use OneNote on one of my computers and every
notebook I tried to open opened read-only although unfiled notes are not
read-only. This is driving me crazy. The files do not open read-only on the
office computer or from the other two computers. They all work with the
files fine. I double checked the paths to the OneNote files in case
something had changed but they are all the same on the three remote
computers but still one of them always opens notebooks as read only. I even
tried opening the same notebook on all four computers but the one still
opens the file as read-only.

I have note changed anything or added any new software. Used it early this
morning and all was ok.

Any idea what may be happening here?


Erik Sojka (MVP)

Has anything changed with regard to the shared directory or whatever you're
doing network-wise from the desktop computer? Have the share permissions

Can you navigate to the shared directory from the other problem computers,
and see what file permissions you have? Can you temporarily add a new file
to the Notebook shared directory and then delete it? Can you temporarily
rename a *.ONE section file from Windows explorer?

If those steps don't show anything useful, is the content synchronized
among the computers such that you can close the Notebook from within
OneNote on the trouble computers, and then open it again to see if the RO
problem goes away?

Rev. Michael L. Burns

Thanks for your input. No, nothing has changed to the best of my knowledge.
Permissions looks ok. I can access and update the same notebooks from any of
the other computers with no problem. Only my notebook sees them as read
only. The network paths are set the same in OneNote on the three remote
computers to access the notebooks on he main desktop but only the notebook
comes up read only. Unfiled notes are not read-only, but every notebook is
on the one computer. I have tried closing all the notebooks and reopening
them but still read only. I then closed all the notebooks and deleted the
cash and then reopened some notebooks. Still read-only. Attempt to create a
new notebook failed.


Rev. Michael L. Burns

I am really confused now. Over the last several days, (not sure if it
started when my OneNote problems started or not) whenever I turned on my
notebook (the pc with the read-only problem) Live OneCare initially comes up
green but within a minute or two it goes red and indicated that Automatic
Updates needed to be turned on even though the Security Center indicated
that it was already on and functioning. Turning it on within OneCare turned
OneCare green indicating all was ok and it would stay that way the rest of
the day. It seemed to be a known OneCare problem as many others had
experienced similar activity. I even uninstalled and reinstall OneCare
several times but always got the same symptoms after rebooting. Everything
else seemed to be working. I could create and edit Word and Excel documents
etc. and save them on the desktop from the notebook with no problems so I
never even considered any relation to my OneNote problem, if indeed there
was one..

At any rate, I just turned on the notebook computer a few minutes ago and
for the first time in several days Live OneCare stayed green. Not sure what
was going on there because I haven't added or changed anything on either
computer but I decided to look a my OneNote notebooks again.

The notebooks I had open in OneNote still indicated read-only but now I
could now open other notebooks ok (located in the same folder) and create
new ones which I haven't been able to do. Closing the open notebooks and
reopening them got rid of the read-only problem even though I had opened and
closed them and tried to create new notebooks numerous times over the last
few days to no avail.

The only thing that has changed is that OneCare does not initially tell me
that Automatic Updates needed to be enabled (although everything else
indicated that the updates were already turned on). Could the problems be
related? Could OneCare have been causing all my problems and why would it
affect only OneNote? The only thing I know for sure is that both OneNote and
OneCare are working today and weren't the past several days.

Hopefully the problems, whatever the cause, have rectified themselves but if
it returns I may ditch OneCare and see if this resolves the problem.


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