Onenote Remote Sharing/Conferencing without IP address?



Hi all,

Is there a way to do remote collaboration, sharing, and conferencing in
OneNote without giving out an IP address?

I don't feel very secure giving out my IP address to the other party for
conferecing in OneNote... I don't know the other party since they are just
online collaborators...


Beverly Howard [Ms-MVP/MobileDev]

I don't feel very secure giving out my IP address to the other party
for conferecing in OneNote <<

Your security concerns may be somewhat misplaced... your ip address is
far from secure and can be traced or deduced using a variety of methods,
so, would suggest reconsidering releasing it to increase your productivity.

With respect to ip addresses, it is far more important to have good
firewall protection... in both directions which will allow the desired
onenote connection(s) and help prevent the malicious ones.

Beverly Howard [MS MVP-Mobile Devices]

Beverly Howard [Ms-MVP/MobileDev]

To expand a bit, assuming a good firewall, the unknown collaborator will
have a connection to shared onenote activities but not general access to
your computer and resources.

In most cases (I don't know onenote specifics,) any activity which might
carry risk, such as file transfers and remote control, will require
separate permissions from you.

Beverly Howard [MS MVP-Mobile Devices]


Beverly Howard said:
To expand a bit, assuming a good firewall, the unknown collaborator will
have a connection to shared onenote activities but not general access to
your computer and resources.

In most cases (I don't know onenote specifics,) any activity which might
carry risk, such as file transfers and remote control, will require
separate permissions from you.

Beverly Howard [MS MVP-Mobile Devices]

Just to add to Berverly's already excellent points, if you are using a
general (non-static) IP address from a provider there is a good possibility
that your IP address is going to change the next time anyway. Protect your
ports, not your address.


No I am using fixed IP address... and my unknown potential collaborators are
not tech geeks. I just wanted to stay anonymous before knowing more about my

xTenn said:
Beverly Howard said:
To expand a bit, assuming a good firewall, the unknown collaborator will
have a connection to shared onenote activities but not general access to
your computer and resources.

In most cases (I don't know onenote specifics,) any activity which might
carry risk, such as file transfers and remote control, will require
separate permissions from you.

Beverly Howard [MS MVP-Mobile Devices]

Just to add to Berverly's already excellent points, if you are using a
general (non-static) IP address from a provider there is a good
possibility that your IP address is going to change the next time anyway.
Protect your ports, not your address.

Beverly Howard [Ms-MVP/MobileDev]

I just wanted to stay anonymous before knowing more about my
collaborators... <<

Sorta like the confessional booth... a solid wall woun't cut it... you
have to have the grid to allow the sound through... in this case, the
grid requires the ip address.

If you are really serious about this, might do a google for "ip
forwarding" to see if there are any viable services out there... I don't
have a clue.

Beverly Howard [MS MVP-Mobile Devices]

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