OneNote sections should be easier to rearrange



When rearranging a section in OneNote, you can't just select it and move it
where you want it. You have to right-click, select Move and then move it in
the folder structure. Why is this so difficult? I'm using OneNote 2003 with
Service Pack 1.

John Waller

This is one of my chief annoyances at the moment too.

Dragging-n-dropping is such a universally understood convention.

I'd also like to be able to right-click a Section tab and have several
sorting options (alphabetically, etc)

Hopefully in the next version they'll provide several alternatives to this
cumbersome "right-click then Move" procedure.

The huge improvements in SP1 alone give me hope that the product team is
listening to the end users.


The uncharitable answer is that OneNote's developer wanted to distinguish
it as completely as possible from the two-pane tree organizers.

Thanks for the honest answer. My uncharitable suggestion is to tell the
developer(s) to give people what they want. My needs are simple. I trade
stocks and need to keep track of information in a fast, VISUAL, easily
accessible way: A tree structure. I installed OneNote hoping to customize it
with a small calendar (and perhaps a clock) on the top of a left pane and a
tree below it. I've been using TreePad Biz Ed but don't particularly like the
way it handles type and HTML. I've looked at 10+ two-pane tree organizers and
none of them have exactly what I want. So maybe I'm going to have to do it
myself with one of those desktop ActiveX programs. However, I'll keep
watching OneNote for either improvements, add-in's or addtional PowerToys.


In addition to sections, the pages are rather a pain to move around- it
usually takes 3-4 tries before i click on that 5x5 pixel are on left part of
the page name tab before it allows me to move it. Sometimes it swaps pages
on me if i inedvertently dragged it on top of another page. This happens
more so on my laptop than on my desktop. Being that this is primarily an app
for laptops & tablet's, this needs to be improved.

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