OneNote should allow cross-link to any container


Tim Hardy

I see that a lot of people have asked for the ability to cross-link within
OneNote, something I started needing within one week of using the product. I
wanted to go a step further and ask for the ability to link to any container
within any page. Page-linking is not sufficient. We need the ability to
link to specific containers within pages.

I'm a developer and after the four or so layers of categorization possible
in OneNote, I'm left with some severe categorization and organizational
issues. For instance, I'm trying to use OneNote for Test Driven Development.
I have folders representing projects. User Stories is a section within each
project, and each page represents a major portion of that project. Each page
has one to many User story paragraphs. Each "User Story" has a list of
"Acceptance Tests" and each "Acceptance Test" needs to be broken down into
"Unit Tests" and "Programming Tasks". As you can imagine, OneNote is coming
up real short in capturing and organizing the text, notes, and to-dos needed
to track my Test Driven development. I tried making "Acceptance Tests" and
"Programming Tasks" different sections in the Project folder, but there's
simply no way to properly associate them. Putting everything in collapsible
outline form makes it hard to view all the acceptance tests or all the
programming tasks etc.

I need some hefty associativity features added to OneNote. If I could
simply link to any container on any page in any section in any folder and
have the GUI jump there when clicked (something that seems really easy from a
developer's standpoint), I could make do. Just add a menu item to each
container's context menu - "Generate Link" - that will generate a little link
that we can cut and paste to somewhere else (you probably use GUIDs on your
containers already, so unique links shouldn't be a problem). Also, allow me
to change the visible text on the link and there's your feature - simple.
Oh, and I'd like it in some free download (patch, service pack), instead of
having to buy another version. This feature should have made it in a lot

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.

Erik Sojka (MVP)

Friendly constructive advice:

It would be helpful to all involved in the conversation if you quote all
relevant parts of the message to which you're responding.


Couldn't agree with you more! The abilit to efficiently associate and
cross-link specific information snippets would seem to be one of the most
basic functionality of a note-taking software and among the top reason why
users should choose to use a software notebook instead of a paper one.

That was the functionality I was looking for when I bought OneNote and was
dissapointed to find OneNote handicapped in that respect.

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