OneNote should allow Google Desktop Search to Index .one files


OneNote should allow Google Desktop Search to Index .one files.

People want it.
Microsoft should deliever it.

Competitors like Evernote are going to support it.

It should also allow Yahoo Desktop Search and every other major
Desktop Search Program to index it.

I know.
I think Microsoft should support their Office users and write one for

Chris H.

Why? Not everyone wants to use that particular search. I'll use Google
from the web page, but I don't want their software or that of Yahoo on my
machines, just I don't like MSN's new version either. Besides, Microsoft
with their MSN Search and Google are now competitors. :cool:
In memory of a true friend, Windows MVP Alex Nichol

Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Sad. MS owes this to their customers. I don't fork out thousands of
dollars to buy Office 2003 so they can play proprietary games. It will
look VERY bad if MS doesn't write an interface.

Duke Carey

I think you've got this backwards. MS cannot dictate what file types Google
and Yahoo choose to search. Google is focusing on the most popular file
types and apparently doesn't think that OneNote files fall into that
category. Haven't heard anything authoritative about Yahoo, but believe it to
be the same case there.

If you want to make this an issue, raise it with Google - they control what
their search engine will index.

=?Utf-8?B?RHVrZSBDYXJleQ==?= said:
I think you've got this backwards.

No. I don't think so.
I've paid thousands of dollars to MS. I've paid google nothing.


You are talking nonsense. You also paid thousands of dollars for your car.
You insist on fitting VOLVO seats (best there are, IMHO) in it.
Who is doing the indexing? Google, not Microsoft, so talk to Google.


James Gockel

Actually Google is letting their users create plugins.
Which we're begging MS to make the stupid and easy to make plugin.

James Gockel

Why cant MS do it for free?
I mean yeah, spent thousands to MS for office, and what-not..
I've spent my hundreds... er, my father's hundreds ;-)
And why can't we see somemore for what we've paid for?
I understand his view, but don't pressure me to try and uphold it...

Chris H.

Why don't you do it, James? You could track down the information. You
could create the plug-in. You could stand by your work that it won't mess
up user's computers. You could make sure there's no security flaw in your
software which would allow anyone to invade a person's computer. You could
maintain it, version after version. And you could also do it for free.
In memory of a true friend, Windows MVP Alex Nichol

Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Chris H. said:
Again, why in the world would Microsoft want to create a plug-in to a
competitor? Think about it a bit. If someone else wants to, fine. Create
the plug-in yourself and then offer it up for users for free.

Because I demand service. These kind of proprietary bull**** games is
why MS is going to be in trouble. I expect MS products to work with
other products - WELL. I want MS documents to work with EVERY APP.

The fact that OneNote is indexable by popular desktop search programs
will sell more OneNote. When I demo to someone how cool OneNote is
and I mention that MS is playing lame games and not supporting my
Desktop Search - how good is that going to look ? Not good.

For microsoft to not support my choice of Desktop search, I am not
happy with their support.

Bert Jansen

Hi All,

I've written a plugin that allows Google desktop to index onenote files.
This plugin is in beta and will be freely available when I find some time to
finish it. Currently I'm stumbling with one specific problem:

most of the onenote sections are indexed fine, but I've got some sections
where that can't be indexed. I suppose this is due to a problem in the
onenote IFilter supplied by MS. Anyone at MS interested in this one: I can
sent you the sections that can't be indexed by the onenote IFilter if you


Lin Wang

Hi Bert,

Thanks for your feedback.

Can you send me sections that can't be indexed? You can send it to
(e-mail address removed)


Hi Bert,

You are awesome.
Google Desktop search will be my search engine when you release this.
Excellent !

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