OneNote should allow insertion of objects such as equations


Mark Farrar

I need to able to add objects into my OneNote fiels such as equations or

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Patrick Schmid

You can add them as pictures or printouts (ON 2003: TabetPC only, ON
2007 all XP versions and Vista).
In ON 2007, you can embed files into ON. Note though that this is not
identical to embedding a spreadsheet into a Word document e.g. This is
better comparable with attaching a file to an email. The actual file
appears as icon in ON and when you double-click it, you can edit it as
the respective program opens.
For ON 2007, the following approach works pretty well:
- embed a file so that you have the actual file in your notes as a page
- include a printout of the file in a subpage
- when you make revisions, print the file again as a new subpage to ON
With this approach, you have a history of what you did (the subpages
with your annotations) as well as the up to date file in ON.

Patrick Schmid

Tom S.

Patrick Schmid said:
In ON 2007, you can embed files into ON. Note though that this is not
identical to embedding a spreadsheet into a Word document e.g. This is
better comparable with attaching a file to an email.

Is a file which is embedded in this manner searchable? That is, if I search
for a number in a spreadsheet or a phrase in a Word file that is not,
actually, printed out on the page but only embedded into an icon, will the
search find the number or phrase?

Tom S.

Patrick Schmid

No, but you can use the full WDS search (once it is out of beta) to find
the file directly. WDS search also searches through .one files, so you
can search outside of ON for the things you want.

Patrick Schmid

Tom S.

Patrick Schmid said:
No, but you can use the full WDS search (once it is out of beta) to find
the file directly. WDS search also searches through .one files, so you
can search outside of ON for the things you want.




Hi Patrick,

quick question: is the WDS functionality you mention below (searching
through .one files) only supported in WDS 3 beta, or will WDS 2.x support
that too?



Patrick Schmid

Hi Pierre,

I don't think WDS 2 will provide it. It seems to be rather tied to WDS

Patrick Schmid

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