OneNote should allow linking between pages like Wikipedia


Peter Bowyer

OneNote is a fantastic tool, but I miss the ability of Wikis to link withing
the page on words or phrases to other pages. My thoughts don't
compartmentalise neatly into one page worth - I want to cross-reference my
ideas on other pages, building a map of my thoughts.

Wikipedia is a fantastic example; the ideas flow naturally. But rather than
setting it up on my computer I want something with a visual editor, that
saves automatically (ie OneNote).

I need to manage my thoughts and ideas in a non-linear fashion, something
that's still a drawback with OneNote on a PC. Letting my ideas flow more
naturally would be a start.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote/Outlook

That's a very popular feature request and one that the development team is
investing some thought in. Unfortunately it's also a complex feature to do
properly -- but they're thinking on it.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!


Peter Bowyer said:
OneNote is a fantastic tool, but I miss the ability of Wikis to link withing
the page on words or phrases to other pages. My thoughts don't
compartmentalise neatly into one page worth - I want to cross-reference my
ideas on other pages, building a map of my thoughts.

Wikipedia is a fantastic example; the ideas flow naturally. But rather than
setting it up on my computer I want something with a visual editor, that
saves automatically (ie OneNote).

I need to manage my thoughts and ideas in a non-linear fashion, something
that's still a drawback with OneNote on a PC. Letting my ideas flow more
naturally would be a start.


I am also interested in this. one way that would be useful and simple(?) to
implement would be to have the option of making a page in one section
reference a page in another section. For example, if I make one page called
My Resume' in one section, it would be good to be able to place a llinked
page in another section that would update whenever the original is updated. I
am thinking more along the lines of the page tab referring directly to the
original rather than having two synchronized pages.

Not as powerful as a wiki, but still helpful. even putting hyperilnks to
another page in another section would be great but admittedly trickier for


For those not familiar with Wikis, the essential concept is that mixed case
words (like MicroSoft) are automatically converted to what are, essentially,
hyperlinks. In OneNote, this would most likely be implemented as a link to a
page whose title is the same as the WikiWord, e.g. MicroSoft or Micro Soft.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote/Outlook

Note linking is a very popular request - unfortunately it is not quite so
simple to implement in OneNote. I can assure you that a lot of brain power
in Redmond is being applied to the problem -- it's pretty high on the list
of features we'd like to see in the next version. Whether it makes it into
the next version or not will depend quite a lot on how difficult it proves
to write and make stable.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!

Steve Anderson [msft]

Hi. See this link for a response from the Program Manager for OneNote:

Essentially, they're very interested in the feature and are considering doing it.

-Steve Anderson
Program Manager, Office

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

<Peter Bowyer> wrote:

OneNote is a fantastic tool, but I miss the ability of Wikis to link withing
the page on words or phrases to other pages. My thoughts don't
compartmentalise neatly into one page worth - I want to cross-reference my
ideas on other pages, building a map of my thoughts.

Wikipedia is a fantastic example; the ideas flow naturally. But rather than
setting it up on my computer I want something with a visual editor, that
saves automatically (ie OneNote).

I need to manage my thoughts and ideas in a non-linear fashion, something
that's still a drawback with OneNote on a PC. Letting my ideas flow more
naturally would be a start.


while waiting for the OneNote team to solve some curly architectural

here's how I link between pages when I need to:

one the page you are on make nonsense word to use as a link.

link: sqrjpk

then copy and paste it to the 'search' box in the top right corner of

the search will show you all the pages containing that nonsense word.

you could make up a special character to always precede the main link, then
the search would just give you that one if preceded by the special character.

source link: sqrjpk

that's pretty messy I know, but it helps me create ways of jumping between
frequently referred to pages - a list of reference books on a topic, or my
resume etc.

you can also link to another section by opening (from the widows desktop)
the MyNotebook folder from MYDocuments , finding the appropriate .one file
and just dragging it on to your page. It will appear as a hyperlink. Of
course, you can not link to a specific page in that section as far as I can

I sometimes use that in a word document in process to quickly jump to my
OneNote notes about it.

....but I really look forward to using real links between notes in a future


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