OneNote should allow local links to be relative or absolute


Andrew D Macafee

Where one or more people work in a company filing system the absolute
hyperlinks to local files may vary as the network is reconfigured or when a
copy of the project is archited elsewhere.

If it were possible to configure OneNote such that local file links were
relative then the project folder could be loaned, borrowed, archived or
carried as a CD with all links functional.

Relevant where an Advanced OneNote user wants to create archives to be
visible, clickable web links for material that is targetted at users without

OneNote is a powerful tool for annotating existing complex archives

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.

James Gockel

Of course, Onenote is not designed to be a file linking tool.. it just
happens that the programmers allowed the linking of website... which happens
to allow linking of files, by design of 'hyperlinks'.
Linking of files, or even notes to other notes has been mentioned before,
and many people, I think, are expecting it in future versions. OF course,
onenote is not fully supporting the linking of files, I personally dont even
use onenote for linking of files even though its possible.
Onenote is designd only for notetaking, and annotating documents... I
recommend using a print to onenote powertoy, and do that for your
Onenote is not a word editor or file linking system... though some linking
capability would be nice to see and use... for example referencing to other
notes. But other files not really.

-James G.


Where do I get the OneNote powertoys? Can you go from OneNote TO another
program? Or is it only FROM another program to OneNote?

James said:
Of course, Onenote is not designed to be a file linking tool..

This is in fact a key feature. In the 1.0 release, MS thought it
important enough to have this feature.
Taking notes in isolation of broader contexts (like to your other
files) is silly.
Onenote is not a word editor or file linking system... though some linking
capability would be nice to see and use... for example referencing to other
notes. But other files not really.

Of course it is extremely important. If OneNote is not going to be a
hub of *ALL* your digital information, it will fail. OneNote, in it's
first iteration, was not as successful as it should have been - sales
show that. The relative grace that OneNote allows you to have typed
text and writing all on the same page is brilliant. The fact that it
really should be a personal information manager, and is not, explains
the poor sales.

Office needs something to "Pull the whole thing together". I hope
OneNote 2.0 does that.
But considering the sluggish sales of OneNote, that is probably going
to be a long ways off.

Chris H.

Just curious, but what sales reports do you have to back up what you're
saying? Office already offers Outlook as the PIM, and OneNote has never
been associated with being anything but what it is - a flexible organizer
for notes, and the various ways to accomplish that in handwriting, typing or
recording information.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

Better facilities for linking to files would be very helpful for me.
The current capability is pretty crude. It's passable, but a pain if
you do it a lot.

I'm using OneNote for research, and I'd like to include links to files
on my HD that are too large for me to want to insert them into OneNote.
I make these kinds of notes/file-hyperlink lists all the time, btw, and
being able to keep them in OneNote with my other research notes would
be very nice.

If you drag files to OneNote from Explorer it asks if you just want to
create a link to the original file. Is that acceptable?

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote/Outlook
Operations Coordinator
Stockholm/KSG - Honolulu
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:


If you drag files to OneNote from Explorer it asks if you just want to
create a link to the original file. Is that acceptable?

That is a great temporary solution. I also have an additional post about
internal links -- sorry, hadn't seen the others.

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