OneNote should allow one to move pages to closed section



I like to clean my workspace from time-to-time by moving Pages of certain
Sections in OneNote, in an "Archive" version of that section which remains
permanently closed unless I need to access it for some reason. Each time I
want to move a page to the closed section, I have to open it, move the page
into it, and then close it again. This is inconvenient for me. OneNote
would be much more productive if it allowed me to move pages that I no longer
need to have cluttering my workspace, directly into a closed section that
works as an archive. I propose two possible mechanisms to achieve this:

(1) When I use the "Move Page To >" command, have an option in there such as
"Closed Sections..." and gives me a list of the sections in "My Notebook"
that are closed. Then move the page to that section without opening it.

(2) Have a built-in feature into OneNote that provides for an "Archive"
version of the files. e.g., which
is a OneNote file that remains closed or hidden unless needed. Then, when
one right-clicks on a page in OneNote, an option to "Push-down to Archive"
would be available in the context menu. The same should be allowed for
sub-pages, in that it may be pushed down and automatically organized under
the same "parent-page" in the archive file.

(2a) To extend this feature a little... The reverse process could be
performed from the archive files by "popping-up" the pages and/or sub-pages
back into the main .one file.

I think these features would make cleaning-up Journal entries, task-lists
and actions easier to manage. It is currently a pain.


.... Another interesting possilbility would be to have other states associated
to sections. For example: Instead of being either Open or Closed, a section
could be in a state of Archive, Limbo, Basement, Attic, Hot, or Cold etc.
Then OneNote could be toggled to show all sections which are not closed, show
only the Open ones, show only the ones in the "basement" or in the "Attic" or
any combination thereof.

This would allow one to easily navigate and search through the mess of .One
files that have been accumulated over the years, by providing other ways of
organizing them and accessing them without necessarily having to navigate
through a maze of folder structures.

John F\D

I just want a way, when looking at an old note page in a section to right
click on it or its do-hickey and say, "Archive This" so that it goes into
archive land, similar to outlook, that has the same folder/section &
item/page but is not taking up visual space & memory in my main work space.
This extends the OneNote aspect of a stenno pad on steroids. Its a way of
tearing out pages, but knowing how to find them later since they will be in
the same section/page structure.

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