OneNote should allow searching of imported docs (Word, Excel, Pow.



I would like the ability to search the text of documents (Word, Excel,
Powerpoint) that I import into OneNote. When I use the Windows Journal
Printer I get a Journal file that I can search. It doesn't seem like such a
stretch to get the same functionality from OneNote. Thanks

Andrew Watt [MVP - InfoPath]

I would like the ability to search the text of documents (Word, Excel,
Powerpoint) that I import into OneNote. When I use the Windows Journal
Printer I get a Journal file that I can search. It doesn't seem like such a
stretch to get the same functionality from OneNote. Thanks


If you bring in text from Word into OneNote you can search on it.

If you paste as images there is no search functionality. I doubt if
there will be in the near future, since text recognition in images is
a complex and slow process.

Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath



Interesting that you would assume I want to copy and paste! Actually, all
that I want is the same functionality that I have in Windows Journal. I can
"print" an Office document or even PDF to the Journal Printer and what I get
is a Windows Journal file (small file sizes too!) that I can search.

OneNote SP1 added the ability to "Insert Document as Picture" which is a
step in the right direction, but it doesn't allow for inserting PDFs and it
doesn't allow for searching (large file sizes too!). It is my understanding
that MS wants to market OneNote to university students (I've heard stories
about handing out free CDs on campus) ... as a student, I wanted to let you
(MS) know how I use OneNote:

The professor shares his/her Powerpoint slides (sometimes PDF) a few days
before each class. I import those slides into either Journal or OneNote. In
class, I use my tablet to take notes on top of the professor's slides. When
I later review my notes, it is invaluable to be able to search the text of
those slides. It's true that I could ink directly into a Powerpoint document
and it's true that I could import the PDF into Journal, but I would much
rather have All of My Notes in One Place...

So you see it's not text recognition in images that I want, just the same
text 'recognition' that someone on the Windows Journal team was smart enough
to put into that product.

Brandon Baker

Andrew Watt [MVP - InfoPath]


I wasn't assuming what you would or wouldn't prefer to do. I was
simply mentioning what is possible now if you want to do cross-file
searches in OneNote.

I don't use a Tablet PC (yet). I assume that the "printing" to Journal
is simply some form of copy and paste behind the scenes. (Chris H.
will correct me if I am wrong).

Have you tried from Word the technique that I described for use with
Internet Explorer? See

If you want to copy all the text of a Word document use Ctrl+A to
select all text and images then do the drag. It's very easy and quick
in my experience. Once you are proficient at doing it, it may even be
easier than using the "printing" you mention. Try it. I would be
interested in your feedback.

You can do it with PDFs too, but possibly text only. But PDFs with
columns can be problematic if you only want some of the text. Quite
possibly your professor prepares documents in Word, so maybe you could
ask for a copy of the Word version, and bring in both text and images
from that version.

I am not aware of a way to do this with PowerPoint. It seems to be
slide orientated rather than document/presentation orientated. If
there is a way to select all text in a presentation I haven't found it

Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath

Kathy J

Sorry, Brandon, I missed this thread when you first posted. For the
PowerPoint part of your problem, you might want to check
out PPT2One. It is a great utility created by Jeff Borlik. It pushes PPT
content to OneNote in a way that you can use, flag, and search, including
notes content and slide content. Check it out at:

Since it puts both the slide graphic and the text on your note page, you can
do just what you are describing below.

(PS: You will need OneNote's SP1 installed to use this utility.)

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint - Available now from Holy Macro! Books
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