OneNote Should Alphabetize The Folder Drop Down List



I use a large number of folders. When I click on the current folder a list of
all of the folders in the notebook appear in a drop down list. However, they
are not alphebetized. This is a problem since I have maybe two screens worth
of folders. I have check all of the option settings and help but can find no
way to make the list be alphabetized. The list is in no particular order that
I can see. This would be a helpful fix.

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Solution for alphabetizing folders.

There should be a Hidden/System file called "OneNote Table Of
Contents.onetoc" in *each* folder. This file stores among other
things, the placement of folders and sections in the current folder.
See if that file exists or has its modification date changed after each
time you arrange your folders in OneNote. Remember that this is a
hidden file, so you must have Explorer configured to see these files
(Tools | Folder Options | View | "Show Hidden Files and Folders").

If you don't care for sections' color you can blow away the current order (and color) like this (warning - it's a hack):
1. In Windows Explorer set to show hidden files
2. Close OneNote
3. Navigate to the folder you want sections to be in alphabetical order
4. Delete *.toc file in this folder
5. Boot OneNote
There is no way in OneNote UI to do this.

I believe this works, but i havent tried it. Others here have posted
about it.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

Solution for alphabetizing folders.

There should be a Hidden/System file called "OneNote Table Of
Contents.onetoc" in *each* folder. This file stores among other
things, the placement of folders and sections in the current folder.
See if that file exists or has its modification date changed after each
time you arrange your folders in OneNote. Remember that this is a
hidden file, so you must have Explorer configured to see these files
(Tools | Folder Options | View | "Show Hidden Files and Folders").

O.K., how does that help with alphabetizing?

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote/Outlook
Operations Coordinator
Stockholm/KSG - Honolulu
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

for me it alphabetizes the folders or sections.
the .onetoc gets rebuilt and it is in alphabetical order.
For me, currently, it is doing it in reverse alphabetical order.


I tried the suggeston and it does indeed work. Thanks for the tip. So why
can't Microsoft come up with a way to do the same thing from within the
program? As for the reverse order, check to see if Explorer is alphebetizing
the folders in reverse order. My guess is the TOC is using the information it
finds in Explorer exactly as it finds it.

Erik Sojka (MVP)

The design was to display the folders and sections in the exact order in
which they were created. It would be confusing to have the normal
section tabs in one order, and then in a different order in the dropdown

I will acknolwedge that the missing ability to sort the tabs is a

The fact that core features like this are missing is extremely
disappointing. Shows that OneNote SP1 is really a very immature app.
To wait until Office 12 to get features like this in OneNote is

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