OneNote should be able to import note flags



Does anyone know if I can import note flag icons into OneNote? The provided
ones are not sufficient.

Erik Sojka

Not in the current version. You can only use the flag icons which come with
the program.


Many of use have said that in this community. And we need outlook categories
too. Hopefully someone at microsoft is listening for Office 2006

Chris_Pratley \(MS\)

Well, we're listening, but we have way more requests than we can fit into
even the next major release. What we do is tally up all the requests and see
what is popular and how much people care, then start working on them roughly
in that order (we sometimes avoid really hard ones in order to do 5-10 easy
ones that are lower priority). We won't get everything done (or even close
I'm afraid) but I promise you that the next rel is worth waiting for!

Chris (MS)


Chris et. al. Have you thought about a survey of those "fixes" you're
looking at to see which might be the most popular? It could be sent to
the registered emails of those using OneNote. You'd only get 2% or so
back but they'd be people who really wanted to see something.

Chris_Pratley \(MS\)

In fact we do use the list of people who resgistered with us and who agreed
to be contacted later. We recently sent a survey to those folks.

We have many different sources of customer input (this newsgroup is one of
them). Each has its advantages and disadvantages. Large scale surveys give
us good statistical data, but little detail into scenarios. They also tend
ot bias oward peopel who eithe rhave or are willign to take the time to
repsond. (not a bad bias, but one to consider). One-on-one feedback is
better for the anecdotes and detail. Visiting people and sitting with them
for an hour gets the most details but we can't do too many of those due to
time constraints. There are other methods too. The hardest is reach people
who do not identify themselves, allow us to contact them, or particpate in
forums - they may have different needs than the more actively engaged people
here have.

In anycase, the feedback to date has been pretty consistent (as the MVPs
here will confirm), so we are not terribly concerned that the data we have
is inaccurate. Mainly we just need to find the time to execute and finalize

Chris (MS)


Makes sense and thanks for the reply. I look forward with bated breath
for the next SP.


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