Onenote should correctly paste links from Firefox.


Edgar Godoy

It's ridiculous that links pasted from Firefox browser into Onenote do not
show the web link where the Internet content was pasted from.

I'm seriously considering to stop using OneNote because to be honest I don't
like Internet explorer and you should understand that not all people must
use/like Internet explorer.

Thanks for being open.

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John Waller

It's ridiculous that links pasted from Firefox browser into Onenote do not
show the web link where the Internet content was pasted from.

I don't know if it's related but ON was released before Firefox.

OneNote was released Oct 2003.

OneNote SP1 was released July 2004.

Firefox launched Nov 2004.

Is Firefox not compatible with ON or is ON not compatible with Firefox?

P.S. The beta of Google's toolbar for Firefox was just released in July

Erik Sojka (MVP)

Do you mean links or text from a page?

Assuming you mean the latter, it's not the big bad evil MS trying to
stifle OSS or anything, I just don't think that data is passed along to
the clipboard when text is pasted from FF. If that data isn't available,
it can't be pasted into OneNote.

Chris H.

Firefox was designed with "some" of the normal things missing, such as the
identifier which enables Internet Explorer to give out the information. On
a Tablet PC, using Ink, it takes a third-party program to get Firefox to
properly set the context sensitive identifications needed for the Tablet
Input Panel. Neither are something OneNote or the TIP on Tablet PCs can
add. They were simply not included Firefox.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -


Few probably know it because there was so little fanfare, but Microsoft
recently supplied IE with tabs. Check out the latest "MSN Toolbar with
Desktop Search." There are a great many things I can do that Firefox can't.
Correctly recording links in OneNote just scratches the surface. The absence
of tabs was a big drawback, and the IE shells like Maxthon don't offer the
same interoperability as IE. Check out the tabs; maybe you'll go back.

Stephen Diamond

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