OneNote should enable import of custom note flag symbols



It would be great if one could import a custom note flag symbol (icon).

It would awsome if one could assign somekind of functionality to these
icons, i.e. perhaps the behavior could be such that two icons make one note
flag which's state is depenent on the number of times it is clicked... like
the check box note flag. For example, have a note flag that changes between
a moon and a sun, or a lightbulb that is lit or dark, a switch that is on or
off. An perhaps have the possibility of more than two states, such as a
clock who's needle changes to each quarter, or pie chart that can indicate 10
settings of progress... etc...

Now this may be pushing it a little, but it would be fabulous if the states
of different note flags could be dependent upon the state of another note
flag. Such that it would be possible to implement radio buttons which toggle
as only one selection within a group.

Note flags are a kick-ass feature of OneNote. OneNote could become earth
shattering if they had more flexibility.

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