OneNote should fully "link" importd audio recorded from PocketPCs


Josh Ginn

I absolutely love the feature where I can click on a note I've created and
the Audio or Video will cue up right to the spot when the note was created.
You give us the ability to import recordings from PocketPcs, why not also
link it up, using time stamps, so the audio automatically queues up to the
same place as the note I'm reviewing. - This would be very handy too.
(what about an option for auxillary queues video too?)
As long as the computer clock is the same as the media collection clock, as
I see it, it should be a nice match. Even if they're skewed a little, at
least it will get me to the general location of where the speaker was in the
PocketPCs clock are set by the host computer anyway, so PocketPC should be
able to do this very well.

Have a great day!

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Erik Sojka (MVP)

Can you clarify what you mean?

Notes created on a Pocket PC are either text/grafiti or audio, and not
both. AFAIK, there's no way to record and take notes at the same time on
a PPC, so there's no synchronization occurring on the PPC, therefore
there's no synchronization data to be imported into OneNote.

Josh Ginn

Hello Erik

Good question.
I was implying to continue using the tablet PC to take written notes while
at the same time using the Pocket PC to record audio notes, as a satellite

Have a great day!

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

Hello Erik

Good question.
I was implying to continue using the tablet PC to take written notes
at the same time using the Pocket PC to record audio notes, as a

Interesting idea, Josh. Probably the biggest practical hurdle to that
will be getting the PocketPC audio software to properly time stamp
everything to allow for later synchronization.

You might actually have better luck using some sort of remote microphone
(USB perhaps with a long cord?) along with OneNote on the tablet. At
least for now.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote/Outlook
Operations Coordinator
Stockholm/KSG - Honolulu
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

Josh Ginn

Hello Ben

Thank you for your response.

As I see it, the only timestamps necessary need to be the time stamp when
the Pocket PC started recording and a time stamp for each new note, in
OneNote, just like it already is.

Then it could find the time, in the recording to play, based on when the
note was created.

Have a great day!

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

Hello Ben

Thank you for your response.

As I see it, the only timestamps necessary need to be the time stamp when
the Pocket PC started recording and a time stamp for each new note, in
OneNote, just like it already is.

Probably true but does the PocketPC recording app time stamp the start
time of the recording? And does it do so in the same format that OneNote

You'd need some sort of facility to read the timestamp, if there is one,
from the PocketPC audio recording and then pass that (in the correct
format) to OneNote.

That might be doable someday when the OneNote API has been opened wider;
though you might have to write your own PocketPC recorder.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote/Outlook
Operations Coordinator
Stockholm/KSG - Honolulu
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

Josh Ginn

Hello Ben

We can do the start or end timestamp today, with the current recording
technology. The only time stamp we would need is the file creation time.

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