OneNote should have a separate calender in the program



For those of us who don't really use Outlook (I'm sorry but I just really
don't like the program), it would be nice to have a separate "calendar" note
in OneNote. That we could enter e.g. classes, appointments into it and tasks
with dates attached could be put into the calendar as well so that
everything's in one place. Also, for recurring events (e.g. classes) it would
be good if you could just select that somewhere and not have to enter it
every week. Right now I actually am still using another note-taking software
(GoBinder) at the same time as OneNote because their calendar feature is so

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Rainald Taesler

Right now I actually am still using another note-taking software
(GoBinder) at the same time as OneNote because their calendar
feature is so

I tested GoBinder initially before deciding to make OneNote one of my
main instruments.
The calendar feature there for sure is of great help.

But it would mean a major re-design for ON to add this.
Although ON is pretty mighty and offers a lot, the concept is not to
be a "one-app-for-everything" piece of software.
It was placed in the niche between Word and Outlook and I doubt that
it would be possible to add some "mini Outlook".

I too do not like Outlook at all and have avoided to use it for many
long years. And I am still really sad that I can not use my beloved
"Lotus Organizer" any more. Had to give in when I got my iPAQ app. 4
years ago. Had to make the move because of the need to keep calendar
and addresses in synch. But I still do not really like it. And I do
hardly use it for mail.
So I can understand that you are not fond of it.

But I doubt that in the near future (ON 13.0 or 14.0) calendar
functionality might be added.

Give in and use Outlook for the calendar. It works great.
Don't trade in OneNote for GoBinder. One note has so much more to


Amos Soma

Much of the power and usefulness of ON is its integration with Outlook.
Therefore, I doubt we will ever see a calendar in ON.

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