OneNote should have basic PowerPoint drawing capabilities


Doc Barseghian

I'm a Systems Architect and use OneNote on both a laptop and a tablet to
capture all my mtg notes, thoughts, and ideas. Much of my work involves
creating architecture or data flow diagrams. Diagrams are difficult to do
with pen and near impossible with mouse. I often publish my notes so I want
something decent that I can share with colleagues. Drawing freehand is much
more time consuming than if I could just drag and drop a few key shapes and

This would be a huge win!

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Rainald Taesler

Doc Barseghian shared these words of wisdom:
I'm a Systems Architect and use OneNote on both a laptop and a
to capture all my mtg notes, thoughts, and ideas. Much of my work
involves creating architecture or data flow diagrams. Diagrams are
difficult to do with pen and near impossible with mouse. I often
publish my notes so I want something decent that I can share with
colleagues. Drawing freehand is much more time consuming than if I
could just drag and drop a few key shapes and arrow\connectors.

As Alex already said there's a number of basic drawing tools in 2007.

But ON does not have a library of symbols as needed for flow-charts

And IMO it really mean to much to add the needed library.

A workaround might be to use some other software which offers a
collection of standard shapes, arrows etc. and use Copy+Paste to
insert the needed symbol into ON.
I could think of SnagIt which in it's "Studio" has a library of
practically all one needs for your task.

Another workaround might be to collect together the symbols needed
(imported from somewhere else and/or created/modified with a drawing
program) and put them on a page in an ON notebook as your own personal
library. Whenever a symbol is needed you could then jump to your
symbol library page copy the image needed, jump back to page you are
work on and paste the image.

Just some rough ideas


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