OneNote should have 'styles' so I can set fonts (e.g. code block)



OneNote should have 'styles' so I can set fonts, sizes, italic etc.

This would be handy so I can quickly and easily select a block of text and
click the "Code" style so it is presented in Courier New for example.

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Erik Sojka (MVP)

Styles is a feature more suited to a word processor.

You sort of get that with Note Flags - at least the font color and
highlight color are changeable.


Actually, there are many times that I wish ON had styles just like Word. I
often find myself wishing that during outlining I could have the same
automatic styles that I do in Word. Why not share the same style library
with Word so that you have better integration?

Patrick Schmid

The simple answer is that this feature would have to be implemented and
when it comes to new features, the Microsoft OneNote team can only do so
many with each release. They prioritize new features for each release.
The ones that receive a higher priority are the ones that are more
likely to fit the note-taking usage of OneNote. Styles might be a great
feature, but it's in my opinion more a word processing feature than one
for a note-taking software.

Patrick Schmid

Rainald Taesler

Norm shared these words of wisdom:
Actually, there are many times that I wish ON had styles just like
Word. I often find myself wishing that during outlining I could
the same automatic styles that I do in Word. Why not share the same
style library with Word so that you have better integration?

I do not know too much on the internals of OneNote.
But for sure ON is totally different form Word. And it will not be
possible to simply share the same "style library".
ON is not based on templates (DOT-files) as words and introducing
"styles" would only be possible through major changes.

I for one doubt that styles would be something really needed and -
even if so - should be given priority. OneNote as an all-in-one
application is no wordprocessor.
Parts of an all-in-one tool will never be able to have the full
functionality of a specialised tool. A Swiss Army knife f.e. is good
for 1001 things. But one cannot except that it's knife-blade would be
the proper instrument for carving a turkey or doing surgery OTH; and
its saw is quite useful but not the tool for cutting firewood <bg>.

IMO the options for lists and outlines with numbers or bullet points
are quite alright the way they are.
And there's areas in ON where changes would be far more urgently

Just my 2 cents.


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