Onenote should include a bibliography (tag) feature for research



(As a college student) I find that when conducting research and organizing
it, even when taking notes in class, it would be EXTREMELY helpful to include
bibliographic information. For instance: If I were to quote a paragraph in
one of my research tabs, or quote a text-book when taking notes, it would be
cool to tag it similar to when you are tagging anything in OneNote (question
mark, check, etc...). If this were done then, once prompted, a Microsoft
Dialogue box would ask you for the bibliographic information on whatever
media you are utlizing (The dialogue box would have a list, book, periodical,
radio etc...) - so you could fill in the blanks. Then, once you click "OK" -
Mi crosoft could project the full bibliographic note under your selection or
at the bottom of the page as a footnote.
To further this idea; Microsoft's database for the OneNote notebook
you are using could have a tab/section where it compiles all the tagged,
bibliographic information you have used throughout the notebook (in taking
notes, research, WHATEVER) and compile it into one, single, cohesive,
alphabetized Bibliography.

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.

Erik Sojka (MVP)

That's an interesting idea. It's not something that is in ON2003 (as
you've found) and I imagine the new features list for ON12 is pretty much
set in stone, so don't expect to see that in ON12 later this year.

Maybe that sounds like something for a customized content provider in the
research pane?


I am also desperately looking for way to integrate OneNote with bibliography
softwares such as Endnote or Mendeley or Zotero, ...I love OneNote: I also
love EndNote. I hope those guys will have some ways around

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