OneNote slow w/ hand drawings & hi-lites. Why? What can I do?



My wife uses OneNote for her class notes on a Gateway Tablet PC (1.7 GHz
Pentium, 1 GB mem). She has been using it to keep her notes for her
electronics class. She created a page that has about 7 hand drawn pictures
of simple circuits with various parts highlighted to demonstrate the circuit
analysis. She intended to use this printed page as her exam sheet.

The problem is that OneNote runs terribly slow when she is working on that
page. Is there anything that can be done to improve the performance?

My wife ended up abandoning OneNote for this purpose and doing the work on
paper (which is dissapointing because she intended to use OneNote to organize
all her notes for all her classes on one place).

Steve Silverwood

My wife uses OneNote for her class notes on a Gateway Tablet PC (1.7 GHz
Pentium, 1 GB mem). She has been using it to keep her notes for her
electronics class. She created a page that has about 7 hand drawn pictures
of simple circuits with various parts highlighted to demonstrate the circuit
analysis. She intended to use this printed page as her exam sheet.

The problem is that OneNote runs terribly slow when she is working on that
page. Is there anything that can be done to improve the performance?

My wife ended up abandoning OneNote for this purpose and doing the work on
paper (which is dissapointing because she intended to use OneNote to organize
all her notes for all her classes on one place).

This is totally unrelated to OneNote -- sorry, guys -- but if she's
going to be doing a lot of electronics design work, she might want to
invest in a copy of Visio 2003. It's a DYNAMITE program for doing
circuit diagrams, flow charts, and a lot more. I've been using Visio
for my ham radio stuff since long before Microsoft bought the company.
Details about the program are at:

and a 30-day trial version is available for download. It's well worth
looking into.


-- //Steve//

Steve Silverwood, KB6OJS
Fountain Valley, CA
Email: (e-mail address removed)