onenote stationary - organize



Does anyone know how to reorder the listing of Stationary categories in
onenote? I'd at least like to alphabetize the categories. 2nd questions -
how can you rename a category? And lastly, a 3rd question - how can you
rename an individual stationary template? I seem to have a bunch of
'untitled' stationary templates. Seems as though there should be some type
of "Organize Stationary Menu" but I can't seen to find it!

Thanks to anyone who can help here.



I think it is interesting that this is the fourth time I have seen this post
and it is unanswered each time. I have the same questions -- basically I
want to rid myself of all that crap stationary and keep only is useful in
business. However, nobody seems to be able to answer this -- they can solve
world hunger but can't answer a bloody simple question? (grin).....

Please MVP's give us the answers :)

Rainald Taesler

Rookie_User shared these words of wisdom:
I think it is interesting that this is the fourth time I have seen
this post and it is unanswered each time. I have the same questions
-- basically I want to rid myself of all that crap stationary and
keep only is useful in business.

Did you try to delete the things not being useful for you?

I for one so far have hardly used any of the templates at all.
I just ignore the stuff stuff.



I am becoming very frustrated having to rid myself of onenote stationary in
the dropdown menu for most recently used. I don't use onenote stationary. I
just want to see my files in the most recently used, not a bunch of useless
files I have no need for. jsm

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