OneNote Synchronization with Desktop


Rich McAdams

I am trying to use a Tablet PC with OneNote and Synch
with my desktop. Is there a way to make a
synchronization work between a tablet and the desktop? I
am currently using an off-line folder, but because of the
weird file structure of OneNote, it's not working well.
Anyone have any pointers on this?


Thomas D Scotland

Not working well! I made the same mistake in purchasing
OneNote under the mistaken belief that a Microsoft
application would work under a Microsoft operating
system. Silly me!

I think my setup is slighly different but with similar
symtoms. I have redirected the 'My Documents' folder on
my laptop to 'My Documents' on my home workstation. When
I create or modify files from either my workstation or my
laptop they are stored on the C: drive of my workstation.
Then I configure offline files and folders so that 'My
Documents' is available in the offline cache folder under
C:\WINNT\CSC\ on the laptop. After a synchronisation I
can walk out of the house to work at my customers
location. Any changes made when away from base are
synchronised back to the workstation C: when I return.

This works well with every and any software other than
OneNote. Pathetic.

Microsoft EMEA Technical Support has assigned Case Number
SRZ040907002097 to this problem. Should I every receive a
cure I will pass this information on to you

Chris_Pratley \(MS\)

Sorry to hear about your troubles, Thomas. Do you have OneNote Sp1 and
Windows Xp Sp2? The former includes some changes to require less syncing,
and the latter has some necessary bug fixes in the sync code. Witht his in
place you should have a reasonably good experience as long as you do not
modify the file in two places before syncing.

Chris praltey (MS)
Onenote team


Hi Chris,

I will assume that the '(MS)' after your name and the 'OneNote team'
signifies your part of the Microsoft personnel?

I have been away from base so haven't followed up until returning. I have
received no response from Microsoft at all under the assigned Case Number
SRZ040907002097. Why is this? Is this not a recognised problem? Any
response would be appreciated.

Anyway, my configuration is OneNote with SP1 applied operating under Windows
2000 SP4 on both laptop and workstation. Windows update is run on one
machine (then if necessary the other) between 8am and 9 am every day so both
machines OSs are up to date as of 9am 22nd October.

Win2k at SP4 is used because it is still not as stable as Win NT 4 at SP6a!
Wild horses won't drag me across to Win XP until at least SP3 and probably
not until SP4. I don't need Windows Media Player V10 and I don't need the
(financial?) grief of hunting down all the updates to transfer from Win2k >
Win XP then from Win XP > Win XP SP2!

Will check Newsgroup again in a couple of days after reconfiguring Internet
access from ISDN to ADSL. WhooPee!


Thomas D Scotland

Hi Chris,

I will assume that the '(MS)' after your name and the 'OneNote team'
signifies your part of the Microsoft personnel?

I have been away from base so haven't followed up until returning. I have
received no response from Microsoft at all under the assigned Case Number
SRZ040907002097. Why is this? Is this not a recognised problem? Any
response would be appreciated.

Anyway, my configuration is OneNote with SP1 applied operating under Windows
2000 SP4 on both laptop and workstation. Windows update is run on one
machine (then if necessary the other) between 8am and 9 am every day so both
machines OSs are up to date as of 9am 22nd October.

Win2k at SP4 is used because it is still not as stable as Win NT 4 at SP6a!
Wild horses won't drag me across to Win XP until at least SP3 and probably
not until SP4. I don't need Windows Media Player V10 and I don't need the
(financial?) grief of hunting down all the updates to transfer from Win2k >
Win XP then from Win XP > Win XP SP2!

Will check Newsgroup again in a couple of days after reconfiguring Internet
access from ISDN to ADSL. WhooPee!


Thomas D Scotland

Don't know if you have managed to make any progress yourself but I still
haven't received a response from Microsoft for Case No SRZ040907002097 and
the response from Chris_Pratley (MS) has dried up as well.

Looks like the 'trash can for OneNote

Thomas D Scotland

Please note the following:

My repeated multiple postings are NOT my fault. I am receiving a false
error report from Microsoft Community Newsgroups software which tells me my
post (and probably this one as well!) has not been sent. Then I found that
ALL of my attempts to post have ended up on the newsgroup notice board. It
appears that the Community Newsgroup application was written by the same
software engineers as OneNote!


Chris H.

Unless you have a specific reason for needing to use the web-based
interface, you could use your news reader program (like Outlook Express) to
subscribe to the server and subscribe to any or all of
Microsoft's product newsgroups, no logon, no passwords and free to anyone
around the world, no matter the Internet Service Provider.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
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