OneNote Tech Guarantee for OEM?



I just purchased (received it about 2 weeks ago) a pretty new Tablet P
which came with OneNote preinstalled. I went to MS's tech guarante
website and tried to register to get the OneNote upgrade. It turns ou
that they don't upgrade OEM versions on the MS site, but rather the
send you to a third party site. This site only allows you to choos
between three versions of Office suites (basic, professional, and smal
biz) -- none of which came on my machine!

Customer service is totally incapable of answering the simple question
is there a tech guarantee upgrade for OneNote? If yes, where and how d
I get it?

And while I'm complaining... Why does MS think the consumer care
whether or not the software came in a box or pre-loaded? How can the
offer the upgrade for one class of users but apparently not another?

- Jare

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