Onenote Update?


James Gockel

Maybe this has been posted, but I think everyone wants to know about it.
When can we expect it?
Whats going to be new?

We've given pleanty of suggestions for a new version, or servicepack. Is
there anything even in the process? Any gears turning in the mind of MS?

Andrew Watt [MVP - InfoPath]

Maybe this has been posted, but I think everyone wants to know about it.
When can we expect it?
Whats going to be new?

We've given pleanty of suggestions for a new version, or servicepack. Is
there anything even in the process? Any gears turning in the mind of MS?


The gears are always turning.

As far as I am aware, there hasn't been any public announcement about
a further OneNote Service Pack. OneNote SP1 was unusual in that it had
quite a few new features.

There has been lots of speculation on the gossip sites about Office
12, with a guessed release date about 12-18 months out. That would fit
with the rough product cycle in past versions of Office.

Until MS make a formal announcement of anything .... well, you get the

Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath

Microsoft Public

Maybe this has been posted, but I think everyone wants to know about it.
When can we expect it?
Whats going to be new?

We've given pleanty of suggestions for a new version, or servicepack. Is
there anything even in the process? Any gears turning in the mind of MS?

Andrew is exactly right - as of now there have been no public
announcements on either features or timetable. All I can say is that I
assure you that development of the next version is ongoing and energetic.


James Gockel

So there is a development team?
And they are working? or are they on vacation? ;-)

Chris H.

Microsoft posts in this newsgroup quite often, and I can assure you they
don't say everything that's going on. If you're creating something, would
you tell everyone what your goals are in the beginning? Software is a
constant, evolving development. If you look at the overall picture of
what's already been talked about by Microsoft coming down the road, you can
see why software companies don't announce each step of the process. Check
out Chris Pratley's blog: and you'll
see a small example of things in process.
In memory of a true friend, Windows MVP Alex Nichol

Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote/Outlook

So there is a development team?
And they are working? or are they on vacation? ;-)

Yes, there is a development team and last I heard they were hard at work.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote/Outlook
Operations Coordinator
Stockholm/KSG - Honolulu

James Gockel

Hey chris, just a question for you. Is that you on the Arcs of Fire Forum?
You're the only Chris H. I know with a tablet PC, and figure that may be
I was on the beta team for arcs of fire, I think I still am, but havent
heard of any updates.

Andrew Watt said:
On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 16:19:05 -0800, "James Gockel"

As far as I am aware, there hasn't been any public announcement about
a further OneNote Service Pack. OneNote SP1 was unusual in that it had
quite a few new features.
Andrew Watt - MVP - InfoPath

OneNote was also unusual in that many many obvious features were not
initially included. SP1 certainly added some *KEY* features.

I would expect that SP2 should include new features as well,
considering OneNote is the new kid on the block in the Office 2003

Anyone know if some VBA will be included in the future ?
Macro Record ?

Erik Sojka (MVP)

No announcements have been made about SP2, OneNote v12 or any new
features that will/will not be included.

When MS is ready to announce these things, they will make the
announcements, and I'll wager that if you check this newsgroup daily, you
would be among the first people outside of Redmond to know.

Until then, it's pointless to ask about new features every day. I'm not
trying to sound like a jerk, but think about it. If MS announced that
V12 of OneNote would not be released until 2010, and that it will
interface with MS-Toaster 2007, would it matter? You won't get your
hands on the product until 2010. Knowing about the MS-Toaster interface
won't change how you use the product *today*.

Myself? I'd love to know about the new features and when they'll be
available. But I've been using MS products long enough to know that info
about new features or product roadmaps won't be available until MS is
ready to make an announcement. It's unnecessary stress worrying about it
in the meantime.

(e-mail address removed) ( wrote in

John Waller

Anyone know if some VBA will be included in the future ?
Macro Record ?

Only Microsoft do and they'll tell us when they're good and ready..

It's pointless asking these questions because no-one can give you an
accurate answer other than Microsoft. You certainly won't get any useful
answers regarding future features in these forums.

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