OneNote used instead of a blog?



I'm a grad student, and for one of my courses I need to take notes for
myself everyday while I work on a project. These notes are supposed to be
handwritten notes, diagrams, images, photos, ideas jotted down etc. on
paper, that I am
supposed to scan in and upload to a site such as blogger and make available
for the entire class.

I have an M200 and would like to do this with onenote. I have my own
website so I can do this with blogger or my own website, but essentially I
need to list dates with links to my notes.

1. Can a OneNote file be converted to a .html file?

2. Does OneNote sound like the right program for what I'm trying to do?

3. Can I ftp a converted OneNote file directly to my web server?

Thanks for any advice!

Chris_Pratley \(MS\)

You can save an entire section as an MHTML file, which you can upload to
your server.

Alternatively, select all the pages, then File/Publish pages as MHTML.

Alternatively, save as Word doc, then save as HTML from Word. (this may
change the appearance of your pages if you have used a lot of 2D layout)

Chris (MS)


Hi Chris,

1. What is a MHTML file? Do the browsers render these as standard web pages?

2. I'm guessing that when it is saved as MHTML that it saves all the
associated images on the pages as well as .gif or .jpg files?

3. Does the Publish feature use FTP?


Chris Hedlund

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
MHTML stands for MIME HTML. It is a standard for including resources, such
as images and sound files, in the same file as the HTML code. The included
data files are encoded using MIME. A common but erroneous name for this
format is MHT, after the suffix .mht given such files by default when
created by Internet Explorer.

The key to MHTML is that the content is encoded as if it were an email
message, using the MIME type multipart/related. The first part is the HTML
file, encoded normally. Subsequent parts are additional resources,
identified by their original URLs.

Some web browsers allow the user to save a web page including resources as
an MHTML file.


Chris Hedlund
(e-mail address removed)


Erik Sojka (MVP)

1&2: MHTML is a format which allows you to save HTML and images in a
single file format (as opposed to "traditional" HTML where there are IMG
anchors pointing to an external image file; when publishing and
transporting an HTML page, all linked images must also be transported).

3: The Publish feature in OneNote only saves the file. You must copy/FTP
the file as a manual second step.


1. So are you saying that if I have a page with 3 images on it in OneNote,
when saved as a MHTML page it will end up with only 1 file that needs to be
uploaded to the web, and this one file will contain all the images?

2. Does OneNote have a built in FTP client, or does this have to be done in
another program?


Kathy J

1) Yes, when you save a OneNote page as MHTML you will get only one file.
2) No, OneNote does not have a built in FTP client. However, if you open a
command window, you can use the ftp client that is built into Windows to
send the single file.

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Co-Author of Power OneNote: Unleashing the Power of OneNote from Holy Macro!
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I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived

Chris_Pratley \(MS\)

Actually, you can skip FTP and just save/publish directly from OneNote in
the MHTML format to your website.

The file save dialog in OneNote (as in othe roffice apps) accepts both ftp
and http: paths directly. In fact, try typing in your web site http://
address, then you can browse that site from within File/Publish and put the
files where you want.

What i did for awhile was simply "Save as" one of my sections to my personal
website, then whenever I made an update, I did it again - it was easy since
it was one of my "network places".

Chris (MS)

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