OneNote version of 9/11 report

  • Thread starter W. Frederick Zimmerman [OneNote MVP]
  • Start date

W. Frederick Zimmerman [OneNote MVP]

I have created a OneNote version of the report by the 9/11 commission ( ). I did this
using a PDF to Word converter called SolidConverter, then OneNote SP1's
Insert > Image as Document. The PDF file (which was 55 MB) becomes a
OneNote file that is 35 MB, broken into OneNote that contain 10 original
page images each. I'd be interested in hearing from anyone else who is using
OneNote for this sort of publishing application.



Kip Kniskern

Thanks Fred, for this.

First impressions are that the document is a little hard to navigate, and
that I sure am coming to appreciate the "Read" feature in Word 2003. Of
course I understand that this is an experiment and that if the tabs were by
chapter heading instead of pp 11-20 that would be much easier and that holds
a lot of promise for this sort of thing. On my 19" monitor I found it much
easier to read by each folder to Word and then using Read. Still, for a
quick and dirty (and small) way to distribute files, this is a good trial!!


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