OneNote WebDAV Broken!



Has anyone gotten OneNote 2007 to Sync with a non-IIS WebDAV server?

Using the rest of Office 2007 I can read and write to my WebDAV folder
just fine, but when I try to create a OneNote 2007 shared notebook on
the same WebDAV folder, it creates the initial notebook, but then
refuses to upload any actual content I put into the notebook. It gives
a 005 error when I manually sync.

I filed a bug on the Microsoft OneNote Connect site, but the ticket was
resolved today with absolutely no explanation.

So, 1. is anyone successfuly using WebDAV with OneNote 2007? And, 2.
Microsoft, what's the status with this bug? Is there a work-around?
Syncing across the Internet is a 'killer feature' for OneNote, and you
have it 50% working (creating the proper folders)... why not get it to




You are not the only one...

This is my setup and how i discovered there was a problem...

I am running Onenote 2007 on Vista Unlimited RTM (the client) and trying to
create a notebook on a hosted sharepoint service site (by

Onenote complains that it cant create the files as it cant browse the web
folder after loging in. Doing the same thing on a win XP machine with IE6
works fine...

I did a little research and found others were having trouble getting IE7
(different Win OSs) to browse "web folders" like you do when browsing
folders in

So I looks likr its maybe an IE7 issue not Vista?

Anyway it looks like my company cant utilise vista/ie7 with onenote and
sharepoint services until this issue is resolved SOON!

hope someone @ MS reading these posts will flag this as a serious issue and
resolve it ASAP.


Interesting... my next step was going to be to try Sharepoint. I'll let
you know if I get it going.

Microsoft, we'd really like to hear from you on this!!!

I wonder if we should write a comment on Chris Pratley's blog?


P.S. As a general comment to the group, I really don't understand why
companies don't assign a customer service employees to newsgroups. It
would take 1 employee a half hour each day and really clear up some
customer frustrations. Don't they realize that most people reading a
group like this are IT professionals and most likely to influence IT
purchasing decisions in their organizations?


I did send a message with my issue to Chris Pratley and he told me to come
here to this forum :(

so not much luck there...

also sent an email to re sharepoint/ie7 issue i am having and
they said they have forwarded it to their support department.

....waiting and seeing it all we can do :(

P.S. I totally agree with your "P.S." comment, nail on the head!

Patrick Schmid [MVP]

About your PS comment. The ON newsgroup is one of the very few
newsgroups where the team itself participates heavily. So it's not some
customer service rep, but rather the people themselves who create
OneNote. Their participation here is actually very active and
extraordinarily helpful.
As to's a mess. I have been trying myself to get it to work,
but the requirements for the server are very high and not many meet

Patrick Schmid [OneNote MVP]
Office 2007 RTM Issues:
Office 2007 Beta 2 Technical Refresh (B2TR):
Customize Office 2007:
RibbonCustomizer Add-In:
OneNote 2007:
Subscribe to my Office 2007 blog:

Ilya Koulchin

Can you tell us more about your setup? Which web server (and which
version) are you using? Which DAV package do you have on the server?
What OS are you running on the client? Is the server set up with any
sort of authentication or access restriction or SSL?


hi patrick,
thanks for your comments. I filed the WEBDAV bug of onenote 2007 several
times to MS without any success. I've just got the "bug solved" message two
times from ms after a while without any explanation and without any changes
in the software from my point of view, because I am still not possible to
access my onenote 2007 notebooks on my web dav server (win2003). Thus, you a
writing that there are very high requirements for the webdav server: if you
know how to configure the win2003 server to work (I have full access....),
PLEASE LET ME KNOW know to configure.... THANKS! Franz

Patrick Schmid said:
About your PS comment. The ON newsgroup is one of the very few
newsgroups where the team itself participates heavily. So it's not some
customer service rep, but rather the people themselves who create
OneNote. Their participation here is actually very active and
extraordinarily helpful.
As to's a mess. I have been trying myself to get it to work,
but the requirements for the server are very high and not many meet

Patrick Schmid [OneNote MVP]
Office 2007 RTM Issues:
Office 2007 Beta 2 Technical Refresh (B2TR):
Customize Office 2007:
RibbonCustomizer Add-In:
OneNote 2007:
Subscribe to my Office 2007 blog:

I did send a message with my issue to Chris Pratley and he told me to come
here to this forum :(

so not much luck there...

also sent an email to re sharepoint/ie7 issue i am having and
they said they have forwarded it to their support department.

...waiting and seeing it all we can do :(

P.S. I totally agree with your "P.S." comment, nail on the head!

Patrick Schmid [MVP]

Win2003 with full admin rights is easy. See
Apache is the real pain.

Patrick Schmid [OneNote MVP]
Office 2007 RTM Issues:
Customize Office 2007:
RibbonCustomizer Add-In:
OneNote 2007:
Subscribe to my Office 2007 blog:

hi patrick,
thanks for your comments. I filed the WEBDAV bug of onenote 2007 several
times to MS without any success. I've just got the "bug solved" message two
times from ms after a while without any explanation and without any changes
in the software from my point of view, because I am still not possible to
access my onenote 2007 notebooks on my web dav server (win2003). Thus, you a
writing that there are very high requirements for the webdav server: if you
know how to configure the win2003 server to work (I have full access....),
PLEASE LET ME KNOW know to configure.... THANKS! Franz

Patrick Schmid said:
About your PS comment. The ON newsgroup is one of the very few
newsgroups where the team itself participates heavily. So it's not some
customer service rep, but rather the people themselves who create
OneNote. Their participation here is actually very active and
extraordinarily helpful.
As to's a mess. I have been trying myself to get it to work,
but the requirements for the server are very high and not many meet

Patrick Schmid [OneNote MVP]
Office 2007 RTM Issues:
Office 2007 Beta 2 Technical Refresh (B2TR):
Customize Office 2007:
RibbonCustomizer Add-In:
OneNote 2007:
Subscribe to my Office 2007 blog:

I did send a message with my issue to Chris Pratley and he told me to come
here to this forum :(

so not much luck there...

also sent an email to re sharepoint/ie7 issue i am having and
they said they have forwarded it to their support department.

...waiting and seeing it all we can do :(

P.S. I totally agree with your "P.S." comment, nail on the head!


Interesting... my next step was going to be to try Sharepoint. I'll let
you know if I get it going.

Microsoft, we'd really like to hear from you on this!!!

I wonder if we should write a comment on Chris Pratley's blog?


P.S. As a general comment to the group, I really don't understand why
companies don't assign a customer service employees to newsgroups. It
would take 1 employee a half hour each day and really clear up some
customer frustrations. Don't they realize that most people reading a
group like this are IT professionals and most likely to influence IT
purchasing decisions in their organizations?

On Jan 26, 2:36 pm, Umpaloompa <[email protected]>
You are not the only one...

This is my setup and how i discovered there was a problem...

I am running Onenote 2007 on Vista Unlimited RTM (the client) and trying to
create a notebook on a hosted sharepoint service site (by

Onenote complains that it cant create the files as it cant browse the web
folder after loging in. Doing the same thing on a win XP machine with IE6
works fine...

I did a little research and found others were having trouble getting IE7
(different Win OSs) to browse "web folders" like you do when browsing
folders in

So I looks likr its maybe an IE7 issue not Vista?

Anyway it looks like my company cant utilise vista/ie7 with onenote and
sharepoint services until this issue is resolved SOON!

hope someone @ MS reading these posts will flag this as a serious issue and
resolve it ASAP.


Has anyone gotten OneNote 2007 to Sync with a non-IIS WebDAV server?

Using the rest of Office 2007 I can read and write to my WebDAV folder
just fine, but when I try to create a OneNote 2007 shared notebook on
the same WebDAV folder, it creates the initial notebook, but then
refuses to upload any actual content I put into the notebook. It gives
a 005 error when I manually sync.

I filed a bug on the Microsoft OneNote Connect site, but the ticket was
resolved today with absolutely no explanation.

So, 1. is anyone successfuly using WebDAV with OneNote 2007? And, 2.
Microsoft, what's the status with this bug? Is there a work-around?
Syncing across the Internet is a 'killer feature' for OneNote, and you
have it 50% working (creating the proper folders)... why not get it to




hi, thanks for the link. unfortunately, I already tried this, does not solve
this issue.
Any other recommendations for settings up server 2003?
THANKS!! Franz

Patrick Schmid said:
Win2003 with full admin rights is easy. See
Apache is the real pain.

Patrick Schmid [OneNote MVP]
Office 2007 RTM Issues:
Customize Office 2007:
RibbonCustomizer Add-In:
OneNote 2007:
Subscribe to my Office 2007 blog:

hi patrick,
thanks for your comments. I filed the WEBDAV bug of onenote 2007 several
times to MS without any success. I've just got the "bug solved" message two
times from ms after a while without any explanation and without any changes
in the software from my point of view, because I am still not possible to
access my onenote 2007 notebooks on my web dav server (win2003). Thus, you a
writing that there are very high requirements for the webdav server: if you
know how to configure the win2003 server to work (I have full access....),
PLEASE LET ME KNOW know to configure.... THANKS! Franz

Patrick Schmid said:
About your PS comment. The ON newsgroup is one of the very few
newsgroups where the team itself participates heavily. So it's not some
customer service rep, but rather the people themselves who create
OneNote. Their participation here is actually very active and
extraordinarily helpful.
As to's a mess. I have been trying myself to get it to work,
but the requirements for the server are very high and not many meet

Patrick Schmid [OneNote MVP]
Office 2007 RTM Issues:
Office 2007 Beta 2 Technical Refresh (B2TR):
Customize Office 2007:
RibbonCustomizer Add-In:
OneNote 2007:
Subscribe to my Office 2007 blog:

I did send a message with my issue to Chris Pratley and he told me to come
here to this forum :(

so not much luck there...

also sent an email to re sharepoint/ie7 issue i am having and
they said they have forwarded it to their support department.

...waiting and seeing it all we can do :(

P.S. I totally agree with your "P.S." comment, nail on the head!


Interesting... my next step was going to be to try Sharepoint. I'll let
you know if I get it going.

Microsoft, we'd really like to hear from you on this!!!

I wonder if we should write a comment on Chris Pratley's blog?


P.S. As a general comment to the group, I really don't understand why
companies don't assign a customer service employees to newsgroups. It
would take 1 employee a half hour each day and really clear up some
customer frustrations. Don't they realize that most people reading a
group like this are IT professionals and most likely to influence IT
purchasing decisions in their organizations?

On Jan 26, 2:36 pm, Umpaloompa <[email protected]>
You are not the only one...

This is my setup and how i discovered there was a problem...

I am running Onenote 2007 on Vista Unlimited RTM (the client) and trying to
create a notebook on a hosted sharepoint service site (by

Onenote complains that it cant create the files as it cant browse the web
folder after loging in. Doing the same thing on a win XP machine with IE6
works fine...

I did a little research and found others were having trouble getting IE7
(different Win OSs) to browse "web folders" like you do when browsing
folders in

So I looks likr its maybe an IE7 issue not Vista?

Anyway it looks like my company cant utilise vista/ie7 with onenote and
sharepoint services until this issue is resolved SOON!

hope someone @ MS reading these posts will flag this as a serious issue and
resolve it ASAP.


Has anyone gotten OneNote 2007 to Sync with a non-IIS WebDAV server?

Using the rest of Office 2007 I can read and write to my WebDAV folder
just fine, but when I try to create a OneNote 2007 shared notebook on
the same WebDAV folder, it creates the initial notebook, but then
refuses to upload any actual content I put into the notebook. It gives
a 005 error when I manually sync.

I filed a bug on the Microsoft OneNote Connect site, but the ticket was
resolved today with absolutely no explanation.

So, 1. is anyone successfuly using WebDAV with OneNote 2007? And, 2.
Microsoft, what's the status with this bug? Is there a work-around?
Syncing across the Internet is a 'killer feature' for OneNote, and you
have it 50% working (creating the proper folders)... why not get it to



Patrick Schmid [MVP]

Leave a comment on the blog and mention this thread here. Daniel can
then get back to use here.

Patrick Schmid [OneNote MVP]
Office 2007 RTM Issues:
Customize Office 2007:
RibbonCustomizer Add-In:
OneNote 2007:
Subscribe to my Office 2007 blog:

hi, thanks for the link. unfortunately, I already tried this, does not solve
this issue.
Any other recommendations for settings up server 2003?
THANKS!! Franz

Patrick Schmid said:
Win2003 with full admin rights is easy. See
Apache is the real pain.

Patrick Schmid [OneNote MVP]
Office 2007 RTM Issues:
Customize Office 2007:
RibbonCustomizer Add-In:
OneNote 2007:
Subscribe to my Office 2007 blog:

hi patrick,
thanks for your comments. I filed the WEBDAV bug of onenote 2007 several
times to MS without any success. I've just got the "bug solved" message two
times from ms after a while without any explanation and without any changes
in the software from my point of view, because I am still not possible to
access my onenote 2007 notebooks on my web dav server (win2003). Thus, you a
writing that there are very high requirements for the webdav server: if you
know how to configure the win2003 server to work (I have full access....),
PLEASE LET ME KNOW know to configure.... THANKS! Franz


About your PS comment. The ON newsgroup is one of the very few
newsgroups where the team itself participates heavily. So it's not some
customer service rep, but rather the people themselves who create
OneNote. Their participation here is actually very active and
extraordinarily helpful.
As to's a mess. I have been trying myself to get it to work,
but the requirements for the server are very high and not many meet

Patrick Schmid [OneNote MVP]
Office 2007 RTM Issues:
Office 2007 Beta 2 Technical Refresh (B2TR):
Customize Office 2007:
RibbonCustomizer Add-In:
OneNote 2007:
Subscribe to my Office 2007 blog:

I did send a message with my issue to Chris Pratley and he told me to come
here to this forum :(

so not much luck there...

also sent an email to re sharepoint/ie7 issue i am having and
they said they have forwarded it to their support department.

...waiting and seeing it all we can do :(

P.S. I totally agree with your "P.S." comment, nail on the head!


Interesting... my next step was going to be to try Sharepoint. I'll let
you know if I get it going.

Microsoft, we'd really like to hear from you on this!!!

I wonder if we should write a comment on Chris Pratley's blog?


P.S. As a general comment to the group, I really don't understand why
companies don't assign a customer service employees to newsgroups. It
would take 1 employee a half hour each day and really clear up some
customer frustrations. Don't they realize that most people reading a
group like this are IT professionals and most likely to influence IT
purchasing decisions in their organizations?

On Jan 26, 2:36 pm, Umpaloompa <[email protected]>
You are not the only one...

This is my setup and how i discovered there was a problem...

I am running Onenote 2007 on Vista Unlimited RTM (the client) and trying to
create a notebook on a hosted sharepoint service site (by

Onenote complains that it cant create the files as it cant browse the web
folder after loging in. Doing the same thing on a win XP machine with IE6
works fine...

I did a little research and found others were having trouble getting IE7
(different Win OSs) to browse "web folders" like you do when browsing
folders in

So I looks likr its maybe an IE7 issue not Vista?

Anyway it looks like my company cant utilise vista/ie7 with onenote and
sharepoint services until this issue is resolved SOON!

hope someone @ MS reading these posts will flag this as a serious issue and
resolve it ASAP.


Has anyone gotten OneNote 2007 to Sync with a non-IIS WebDAV server?

Using the rest of Office 2007 I can read and write to my WebDAV folder
just fine, but when I try to create a OneNote 2007 shared notebook on
the same WebDAV folder, it creates the initial notebook, but then
refuses to upload any actual content I put into the notebook. It gives
a 005 error when I manually sync.

I filed a bug on the Microsoft OneNote Connect site, but the ticket was
resolved today with absolutely no explanation.

So, 1. is anyone successfuly using WebDAV with OneNote 2007? And, 2.
Microsoft, what's the status with this bug? Is there a work-around?
Syncing across the Internet is a 'killer feature' for OneNote, and you
have it 50% working (creating the proper folders)... why not get it to




My setup:

WebServer: Apache 2.0
DAV Package: mod_dav (don't know which version)
Client OS: Windows XP
Client Software: OneNote 2007
Authentication: Basic authentication

As I said before, I can save files to and from the WebDAV server with
Word 2007, it's just OneNote 2007 that has trouble.

Has anyone gotten OneNote WebDAV to work on Apache with some form of
authentication to work??? Is it just not possible?



I left a comment on the blog. Furthermore, I did some testing with a
complete new installed win2003 server: the directions of Daniel work fine, if
there is anonymous access to the webdav directory and no ssl. if
authentification is needed (none of the methods available seem to work with
onenote) and with ssl, the directions as demonstrated in the blog fail!
By the way: all other office 2007 programs work fine with this webdav dir
(including authentification and SSL!).
Thanks again! Franz

Patrick Schmid said:
Leave a comment on the blog and mention this thread here. Daniel can
then get back to use here.

Patrick Schmid [OneNote MVP]
Office 2007 RTM Issues:
Customize Office 2007:
RibbonCustomizer Add-In:
OneNote 2007:
Subscribe to my Office 2007 blog:

hi, thanks for the link. unfortunately, I already tried this, does not solve
this issue.
Any other recommendations for settings up server 2003?
THANKS!! Franz

Patrick Schmid said:
Win2003 with full admin rights is easy. See
Apache is the real pain.

Patrick Schmid [OneNote MVP]
Office 2007 RTM Issues:
Customize Office 2007:
RibbonCustomizer Add-In:
OneNote 2007:
Subscribe to my Office 2007 blog:

hi patrick,
thanks for your comments. I filed the WEBDAV bug of onenote 2007 several
times to MS without any success. I've just got the "bug solved" message two
times from ms after a while without any explanation and without any changes
in the software from my point of view, because I am still not possible to
access my onenote 2007 notebooks on my web dav server (win2003). Thus, you a
writing that there are very high requirements for the webdav server: if you
know how to configure the win2003 server to work (I have full access....),
PLEASE LET ME KNOW know to configure.... THANKS! Franz


About your PS comment. The ON newsgroup is one of the very few
newsgroups where the team itself participates heavily. So it's not some
customer service rep, but rather the people themselves who create
OneNote. Their participation here is actually very active and
extraordinarily helpful.
As to's a mess. I have been trying myself to get it to work,
but the requirements for the server are very high and not many meet

Patrick Schmid [OneNote MVP]
Office 2007 RTM Issues:
Office 2007 Beta 2 Technical Refresh (B2TR):
Customize Office 2007:
RibbonCustomizer Add-In:
OneNote 2007:
Subscribe to my Office 2007 blog:

I did send a message with my issue to Chris Pratley and he told me to come
here to this forum :(

so not much luck there...

also sent an email to re sharepoint/ie7 issue i am having and
they said they have forwarded it to their support department.

...waiting and seeing it all we can do :(

P.S. I totally agree with your "P.S." comment, nail on the head!


Interesting... my next step was going to be to try Sharepoint. I'll let
you know if I get it going.

Microsoft, we'd really like to hear from you on this!!!

I wonder if we should write a comment on Chris Pratley's blog?


P.S. As a general comment to the group, I really don't understand why
companies don't assign a customer service employees to newsgroups. It
would take 1 employee a half hour each day and really clear up some
customer frustrations. Don't they realize that most people reading a
group like this are IT professionals and most likely to influence IT
purchasing decisions in their organizations?

On Jan 26, 2:36 pm, Umpaloompa <[email protected]>
You are not the only one...

This is my setup and how i discovered there was a problem...

I am running Onenote 2007 on Vista Unlimited RTM (the client) and trying to
create a notebook on a hosted sharepoint service site (by

Onenote complains that it cant create the files as it cant browse the web
folder after loging in. Doing the same thing on a win XP machine with IE6
works fine...

I did a little research and found others were having trouble getting IE7
(different Win OSs) to browse "web folders" like you do when browsing
folders in

So I looks likr its maybe an IE7 issue not Vista?

Anyway it looks like my company cant utilise vista/ie7 with onenote and
sharepoint services until this issue is resolved SOON!

hope someone @ MS reading these posts will flag this as a serious issue and
resolve it ASAP.


Has anyone gotten OneNote 2007 to Sync with a non-IIS WebDAV server?

Using the rest of Office 2007 I can read and write to my WebDAV folder
just fine, but when I try to create a OneNote 2007 shared notebook on
the same WebDAV folder, it creates the initial notebook, but then
refuses to upload any actual content I put into the notebook. It gives
a 005 error when I manually sync.

I filed a bug on the Microsoft OneNote Connect site, but the ticket was
resolved today with absolutely no explanation.

So, 1. is anyone successfuly using WebDAV with OneNote 2007? And, 2.
Microsoft, what's the status with this bug? Is there a work-around?
Syncing across the Internet is a 'killer feature' for OneNote, and you
have it 50% working (creating the proper folders)... why not get it to



David Tse [MS]

Unfortunately, this won't be supported. The reason being that XP's WebDAV
implementation issues unauthenticated OPTIONS, PROPFIND, and MOVE requests
even when the client is authenticated. Because these requests fail on secured
DAV servers, OneNote fails to sync.

If you insist, there is an UNSUPPORTED work around to enable this scenario.
To do this, enable unauthenticated OPTIONS and PROPFIND requests on your DAV
server. Please do not, I repeat, DO NOT, allow unauthenticated MOVE requests
for security reasons. This allows XP OneNote clients to host notebooks on a
plain DAV server, but won't be able to rename or move sections.

To do this on Apache, edit httpd.conf to allow unauthenticated access for
PROPFIND and OPTIONS requests to the notebook.
Eg. "<LimitExcept PROPFIND OPTIONS>{authentication restrictions in

Expect a longer post on this matter in its own thread soon....


is it possible to configure win2003 server in the same way to allow xp
clients to use authenticated webdav with onenote2007 (s. my posts above in
this thread)??
Thanks! Franz

Ilya Koulchin

Franz12 said:
is it possible to configure win2003 server in the same way to allow xp
clients to use authenticated webdav with onenote2007 (s. my posts above in
this thread)??

We're still trying to identify exactly why sync fails when syncing
notebooks on Win2k3 server, but it may very well be for the same reason.
I'm not very familiar with the configuration options so I can't give you
detailed steps, but it's probably worth trying the same workaround.



hi, thanks. I would like to try the same workaround, but I cannot find where
to setup these options. In win2003, I can just enable WebDAV and that's
it.Can someone from MS help here!!?!?! thanks! Franz


sorry, I didn't know.....
However, does someone know how to configure the WEBDAV account using the
same workaround as explained for apache? thanks! franz

Patrick Schmid said:
Ilya is from Microsoft...

Patrick Schmid [OneNote MVP]
Office 2007 RTM Issues:
Customize Office 2007:
RibbonCustomizer Add-In:
OneNote 2007:
Subscribe to my Office 2007 blog:

hi, thanks. I would like to try the same workaround, but I cannot find where
to setup these options. In win2003, I can just enable WebDAV and that's
it.Can someone from MS help here!!?!?! thanks! Franz

Ilya Koulchin

Franz12 said:
hi, thanks. I would like to try the same workaround, but I cannot find where
to setup these options. In win2003, I can just enable WebDAV and that's
it.Can someone from MS help here!!?!?! thanks! Franz

Unfortunately, after our investigaion it does not appear that there's a
config that's supported by default that'd support the workaround. Your
best bet is probably to write an ISAPI DLL to support unsecured
options/propfind, although it'll probably be much easier for you to
install SharePoint instead. Another option is to migrate the client
machines to Vista, which will be better supported in the long run.



does it mean that there will be no support shortly by MS for using XP
computers with onenote and webdav?
Unfortunately, there are problems with the other options:
- Sharepoint: we already tried. First of all, it seems to be not recommended
to use sharepoint on the same server, where exchange2003 is installed. At
least, we got problems and needed to uninstall sp. Furthermore, in comparison
to all other solutions tested so far, the sharepoint connection was too slow
in comparison.
- moving to vista: might be an option for the next years. However, many of
the clients will not be able to be moved to vista due too hardware
restrictions. Thus, our clients want to have a solution which is still able
to handle xp clients.
- isapi.dll: no idea how and what to do!? Is there anyone out there to
explain what does is mean and what to do?
Would you recommend to stop using win2003 server iis and move over to apache
to have a working webdav solution with onenote?
It is really a shame because the shared notebooks are one the major features
of onenote and webdav is still the most important connection. Furthermore, I
do not understand why ms is not able to find a properly working webdav
solution for onenote on their own server products, whereas in comparison all
other office2007 products work with webdav....
Thanks again Ilya, but what to do?

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