OneNote with AutoCAD


Keith Wheeler

I have a client using AutoCAD who wants to annotate his drawings in the
field while on site using a Tablet PC. Is this possible? Are there white
papers or other documentation explaining how?


Patrick Schmid

I don't know if AutoCAD supports ink or not. That would be the best
option for your client.
Alternatively, your client and print the drawings to OneNote (2003 or
2007) and annotate them in there. However, the problem with that is that
he'll see big drawings scaled down to a normal Letter-size page and
details get lost when zooming.
You can give OneNote a shot, but I am really not sure how well it will
work for CAD drawings.
If you go with ON 2003, you'll need to get the MS Education Pack for
Tablet PC. It includes the "Send to OneNote 2003" printer which lets you
print to ON on a tabletPC.
If you go with ON 2007, a similar printer comes in the package.
If I were you, I'd test this with ON 2007 on a test machine first to see
how the quality and size works for your client. With 2007, you can test
this on a desktop or virtual machine. It'll show you sufficiently enough
whether size & quality are appropriate for annotating.

Patrick Schmid

Daniel Escapa [MS]

You can still print the stuff into OneNote @ a high resolution and then use
the zoom feature in ON to zoom in and out. Not the best but it can give you
the detail that you want.

Rainald Taesler

Daniel Escapa [MS] shared these words of wisdom:
You can still print the stuff into OneNote @ a high resolution
and then use the zoom feature in ON to zoom in and out. Not the
best but it can give you the detail that you want.

Whre is this "Zoom" feature hidden?
I could not yet detect it and am seriously missing the possibility of
zooming in ON.

What am I overlooking?

P.S. You are not having the so-called "Full Page View" (F11) in mind?

Keith Wheeler

Thanks, following this logic:
"If you go with ON 2003, you'll need to get the MS Education Pack for
Tablet PC. It includes the "Send to OneNote 2003" printer which lets you
print to ON on a tabletPC."
for a moment, where would one obtain said "MS Education Pack for Tablet PC"?

Thanks y'all.

Patrick Schmid

Standard toolbar, all the way on the right. Combo-box that says "100%"
by default.

Patrick Schmid

Daniel Escapa [MS] shared these words of wisdom:
You can still print the stuff into OneNote @ a high resolution
and then use the zoom feature in ON to zoom in and out. Not the
best but it can give you the detail that you want.

Whre is this "Zoom" feature hidden?
I could not yet detect it and am seriously missing the possibility of
zooming in ON.

What am I overlooking?

P.S. You are not having the so-called "Full Page View" (F11) in mind?

Erik Sojka (MVP)

It's on the Standard Toolbar, and Ctrl-Zoom also works if your mouse has a
scroll button.

Daniel Escapa [MS] shared these words of wisdom:
You can still print the stuff into OneNote @ a high resolution
and then use the zoom feature in ON to zoom in and out. Not the
best but it can give you the detail that you want.

Whre is this "Zoom" feature hidden?
I could not yet detect it and am seriously missing the possibility of
zooming in ON.

What am I overlooking?

P.S. You are not having the so-called "Full Page View" (F11) in mind?

Rainald Taesler

Patrick Schmid shared these words of wisdom:
Standard toolbar, all the way on the right. Combo-box that says
"100%" by default.

Oh no. It can't be true ... How dumb I can be at times.
Thanks a lot for showing me the feature.

Still: It's missing in the menu.
It ought to be in the "View" menu.
It's one of the most basic rules of GUI design that all features have
to be available for keyboard usage.
IMO this is a bug which would need to be taken care of prior to the


Rainald Taesler

Erik Sojka (MVP) shared these words of wisdom:
It's on the Standard Toolbar, and Ctrl-Zoom also works if your
mouse has a scroll button.

Thanks a lot, Erik.
Really interesting (esp. the Ctrl+Scroll way).

IMO there's a design bug (pls see my reply to Patrick).


Rainald Taesler

Keith Wheeler shared these words of wisdom:
for a moment, where would one obtain said "MS Education Pack for
Tablet PC"?

It's in the "Ehancement Pack" - which includes some most valuable
tools - too:

Once there you may also download the "Experience Pack" too.


Daniel Escapa [MS]

Threadjacking...that being said if you think it is a bug please submit it.

Otherwise it will probably stay as it is & as it was in OneNote 2003. Most
people tend to find it and the ctrl-mouse wheel is standard across _many_

Erik Sojka (MVP)

I agree, but since the zoom functionality already exists and there's no
additional coding involved, adding &Zoom to the View menu seems from my
non-programmer POV to be a simple addition...

Rainald Taesler

Erik Sojka (MVP) shared these words of wisdom:
I agree, but since the zoom functionality already exists and
there's no additional coding involved, adding &Zoom to the View
menu seems from my non-programmer POV to be a simple addition...

Thanks Erik!
To me it seems that it really coud not be a big deal.


Rainald Taesler

Daniel Escapa [MS] shared these words of wisdom:
Threadjacking...that being said if you think it is a bug please
submit it.

Will do so.
Otherwise it will probably stay as it is & as it was in OneNote
2003. Most people tend to find it

Some dumb ones like not ;-)
IMO "Zoom" would be a compulsary item in the View menu.
and the ctrl-mouse wheel is standard across _many_ apps.

Yes. But it's not obvious.

Apart: Another Ctrl-key-combination.
What would be the equivalent for pen usage?


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