OneNte Forum Problem

  • Thread starter Rev. Michael L. Burns
  • Start date

Rev. Michael L. Burns

Does anyone know if there has been a problem with this forum over the last
couple of days? The reason I ask is because I am only showing two messages
for July 10 and none for July 11. On July 10, I believe it was Rod who
posted a message requesting how to disable the security warning in OneNote
when clicking on a link to a file stored on a local drive. I responded with
details as to how to eliminate this and he responded back that it worked
fine. This morning I went to see if there were anymore responses and his
original message appears to be gone as well as my reply and as I mentioned I
only see two message for July 10 and none for July 11.

I normally do all my newsgroup reading in Windows Live Mail but the message
doesn't seem to appear when viewing the OneNote forum through my browser
either although it does show a few entries for the 10th and the 11th.

Just curious as to what may have have happened.


Erik Sojka (MVP)

I'm not sure. I use Xnews for reading/posting NNTP to the forums (yeah. I
roll Old SKool) and the summary screen shows a different unread count from
what I see when I open up the ON group. Adjusting the options in Open
Special doesn't fix it.

Steve Silverwood

One thing I've found useful is to check your news reader and see if
there's an option for the server that reads someting like, "Server
creates new messaes out of order." The Forte Agent and Free Agent
products have that option. If I notice something strange like what
you're reporting, I usually try checking or unchecking that option and
then re-reading the newsgroup postings to see if it makes a difference.

// Steve //

Rev. Michael L. Burns

Thanks Steve. I'm using Windows Live Mail as my news reader and am very
pleased with it. I don't see anything like what you mentioned and doubt that
that is the problem in this case since it has been working great with the
exception of that one time mentioned. Thanks again for the suggestion


Rev. Michael L. Burns

Thanks for the confirmation of a problem. Ironically the missing item
suddenly appeared today for the first time since mid-July.
Thanks Again,

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