Online Mentor


Jason G

Is there any forums or communities where i can get a little 121 mentoring
while in the design phase of the most complex Access DB i've been asked to
build by a client?

it's been nearly 5 years since i built a DB and that one i had to learn how
to as i was doing so, and it's been a while!

Basically i need someone i can bounce direct questions and screen grabs as i
build relationships off of before i fully commit to building a flawed design.

many thanks


John W. Vinson

Is there any forums or communities where i can get a little 121 mentoring
while in the design phase of the most complex Access DB i've been asked to
build by a client?

it's been nearly 5 years since i built a DB and that one i had to learn how
to as i was doing so, and it's been a while!

Basically i need someone i can bounce direct questions and screen grabs as i
build relationships off of before i fully commit to building a flawed design.

many thanks


I'll agree with Roger that these forums are a good resource but may not be

Here are some additional resources beyond Roger's excellent site:

Jeff Conrad's resources page:

The Access Web resources page:

Roger Carlson's tutorials, samples and tips:

A free tutorial written by Crystal:

A video how-to series by Crystal:

MVP Allen Browne's tutorials:


I've been trying to post a question to this site for days and they don't seem
to be getting through. (We'll see if this one does...)
Thank you, cs
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to
what lies within us."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


well.. that seemed to work..
Maybe it's "Search" that's not working.
I searched for Online Mentor and also Communities and this post doesn't show
Can anyone explain? I now can't find my earlier posts for help!
Thank you, cs
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to
what lies within us."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


To further explain my delimma...
I've been a user of the microsoft community for several years and have
enjoyed the assistance in these pages. However, in the last few weeks, my
posts haven't been making it to the Discussion Group pages. I get no error
message and I am logged in. I post my question as I have done in the past and
it appears to accept it. Then when I search for it after posting (even days
later) it does not appear to exist and I receive no replys to my post. What
could be wrong?
Thank you, cs
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to
what lies within us."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

John W. Vinson

To further explain my delimma...
I've been a user of the microsoft community for several years and have
enjoyed the assistance in these pages. However, in the last few weeks, my
posts haven't been making it to the Discussion Group pages. I get no error
message and I am logged in. I post my question as I have done in the past and
it appears to accept it. Then when I search for it after posting (even days
later) it does not appear to exist and I receive no replys to my post. What
could be wrong?

Nothing you're doing. It's the Microsoft webpage interface. Search has been
broken for months, and (for the past couple of weeks) so has posting and
moving posts from Usenet to and from the webpage.

Solution: use a Newsreader (such as Outlook Express, Windows Mail, or a better
one such as Agent) pointed to the news server This is
THE SAME message store as that which the webpage is failing to service. The
messages can also be searched historically at - use
Advanced Search and search one specific newsgroup.

I wish Microsoft took the problem more seriously, but it's been an ongoing
headache for years.

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