Online Office Template - Calendar


Dian D. Chapman, MVP

I checked the reference you linked to that template, but it may be
wrong, as I don't see any photo nor any shading in the titles? So I'm
confused about what you're trying to do.

However, know that most of the features you'll probably want to modify
can usually be found by RIGHT clicking in the area.

If you can provide more accurate info, maybe we can help better?

Dian D. Chapman
Technical Consultant, Microsoft MVP
MOS Certified, Editor/TechTrax

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OK - I uploaded a screenshot to better explain.

In this example - you see March and April calendars side by side - the April
one is still the default template picture - and you can see a lavendar
transparency in the "April" title cell of the calendar table. On the March
calendar - I replaced the default picture with one of my own - and the cell
coloring/transparency in the March cell went away. In fact - if you even just
delete the picture entirely - the colration in the month cell goes away. (And
no - it's not tied to the picture - I pulled out the picture itself and
checked for that as well)

I've checked every right click menu I can find for that cell - and tried
applying shading with various % density, nothing duplicates what the template
shows. I really like that effect and would like to use it - but with my own
photos behind it on the calendar. it sure looks just like a transparency
feature - or a "washout" feature just like is applied to the page background
picture - but I can't figure out how to do that with just a color in the
cell. As you see - the picture behind it DOES show through the cell color -
ie: transparency.

Appreciate your help!


Well never mind - that IS the same link - and it IS the link that I see when
I am on the specific template page - but when I follow it here - it's not.

In the calendar templates category (2006) - this is the next to LAST
template on teh 3rd page.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Just to clarify: You are applying shading using Format | Borders and
Shading, and the picture is set to Behind Text?


Suzanne S. Barnhill said:
Just to clarify: You are applying shading using Format | Borders and
Shading, and the picture is set to Behind Text?

The picture is behind the text (but it's not in the same cell so that is
actually not applicable).

Yes I have tried to format the cell that contains the Month title (as shown
by default in the template) using Format | Borders and Shading. It does not
create the same effect as shown in the template.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I'll try to remember to take a look at the template later to see if I can
figure it out. For now, you may want to examine it using Reveal Formatting.

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