Online Presentation Question/ Help Needed


Tim Romero

I am looking for someone who knows a lot about Power
Point, and I seem to be in the right place.

My question is a little hard to explain, as I am not
familiar with using Power Point at all (other than
being able to view them). It would be easier
for me to "show" you what I would like to do, but I'll
give it my best shot.

I own an Internet conferencing company, where our users
can conduct live, real time, voice conferences online,
as well as use our "co-browser" to share web pages and

Unfortunately, Power Points, when viewed online appear
to be automatically download and placed into the Temporary
Internet or Windows directory.

The first slide of a power point show, when the URL is
place in the co-browser, appears for all guests just fine.
But, when the conference host tries to push the next slide,
it looks for the subsequent slide(s) on the host's computer,
so they are not displayed as a URL in the co browser.

I would like for my customers to be able to "push" power point
presentations to their guests in the "co-browser." Is there a
way to edit a Power Point, so that it doesn't automatically
save to a persons temporary files?

Like I said, I am not familiar with power point at all, and
I am "technically challenged" to say the least... LOL. So, I
don't know if what I have said makes sense.

As I said, it would be easier if I could "show" someone. We can
acomplish this if anyone would be willing (and if you have
the time) to log into one of my conference rooms where we
can talk, and I can display a power point show to you and
explain much better what I am talking about.

I can meet at your convenience, of course. It is not necessary for
one to have a microphone on their system because there is a text
chat area as well. But if you have a mic, we'll both be able to talk.

If someone would be kind enough to reply, and let me know if they
can steer me in the right direction, I would truely appreciate it. I live
in Portland, Oregon, so I am on US Pacific time.

If you reply, I can send you a link to a conference room and settle on
a time to talk at your convenience. Perhaps there is something I can
do for you??? Not sure what at this point, but you never know.

Looking forward to hearing from anyone soon. You can email me
directly at (e-mail address removed).


Tim Romero

David M. Marcovitz

Have you tried saving the PowerPoint file as a Web page. Depending on what
browser everyone is running, the Web page can look more or less like a
PowerPoint file. Some features don't work at all over the Web and some only
work with newer versions of Internet Explorer, but if you are just trying to
show a basic PowerPoint, you should be able to get something passable for any

David Marcovitz
Author of _Powerful PowerPoint for Educators_


I am trying to put a simple powerpoint presentation together. There are one
or two sites that have minivedios that I would like in my presentation. How
do I get them to save and show?

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